Friday, December 12, 2014

12 days to Christmas

Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas day is fast approaching. Other than my birthday which is in the spring, the  best time of the year for me is November1 to Jan 1, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. I love Turkey and all the trimmings, pies, cakes, ice cream and more. I love gifts at Christmas and New Years celebrations and resolutions. Yes, it is the time of the year, when semester finals are taken and everyone is planning to spend the holiday at home, wherever that is with family, friends and relatives, watch collegiate football games, as your favorite college team give it that old college try to win the all important game, give gifts and promise rings to that significant other. Take those vacations to be able to do all that, using your sick days and paid days vacation, just to have time to do those things that are most important to you and with whomever you choose to make time for.

It is at this time of Christmas that I love decorations, community Christmas carolers, the reminder that Christmas is about what Jesus Christ has done for us by making the ultimate sacrifice to save people of all races, color, creed and national origin. It is a time to really give thanks for all the things that we take for granted every day. It is a time for prayers of peace, good will towards men and God and heavenly angels and hosts of heaven, prayers of prosperity, prayers for nations, prayers for all of humankind, prayers for healing of the earth and all people and animals, fishes, birds of the air, trees and plants.

"The point of power is in the present moment." Let's use this time to bring love in all the abundance that the universe possess. Let's speak encouraging words to one another, instead of hate, let's see value in people and not judgment and peace instead of fear. Let each of us take this time to make it the best possible time of all times. Well, as they always say in Hollywood after a successful shoot, "And cut."  "That's a wrap."

Monday, October 6, 2014

Train derails in Northeast Louisana

I believe that is the reason why the United States does not have its transportation system designed for a means of moving passengers to destinations like they do in Europe. They wreck. A conductor and engineer suffered minor injuries after hitting a truck.  They will survive. Union Pacific Railroad is the company involved in this mishap. This happened in New Orleans, LA. It
seems that part of the country does have its share of mishaps don't they?

Well as they say in Hollywood after a film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."

    This photo courtesy Fourth District attorney Jerry Jones, shows a train derailment, Sunday, Oct. 5, 2014, in Mer Rouge, La. Two train engineers were in serious condition Sunday after their freight train hit a transport truck in northeast Louisiana, derailing two engines and 16 tank and hopper cars. (AP Photo/Courtesy Fourth District attorney Jerry Jones)
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    Tuesday, September 2, 2014

    Explosion in Paris

    A partial collapse of a 4-story apartment building has left 7 dead so far in a northeastern Paris suburb. Officials said there was no longer any danger of a 2nd explosion. A gas leak is believed to be the cause of the mishap.

    As far as building collapse and explosion go the building I live in is likely to go before I do. Yes, we have maintenance that get paid to do absolutely nothing at all for the comfort of its occupants. Isn't it all about safety and saving lives? Of course it is. However, it seems the attitude of today is to be unsafe and take lives.

    I've been told there are better days ahead and all is well. Then will anyone tell me if that is really a light at the end of the tunnel or is it the headlights of an oncoming bus. Well with that, as they always say in Hollywood after a film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."

    Friday, August 8, 2014

    Rebecca Romijn

    Former fashion model turned actress. Born November 6, 1972 age 41. 5'1". Married Jerry O'Connell, have 2 children. Played Mystique in the X-Men and Joan in the Punisher. It is said that "Beauty never dies it just fades away." I believe there are exceptions and Rebecca Romijn is one of those exceptions, don't you agree? Of course you do. I thought I just break up my blog with an interesting look at a most fascinating female super star.

    Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. As they always say in Hollywood after a most successful shoot. "And cut, that's a wrap!"

    Friday, July 4, 2014

    Lightning strikes New York City

    New York City yes, the "Big Apple," its skyline was lit up Wednesday night. What is that saying, "lightning never strikes twice in the same place." Maybe true and maybe not true. You make the call. However, I feel the good people of New York may differ. Stormy weather is expected to continue there through Friday evening. The city is also under a flash flood watch which to say the least could dampen the annual Macy's 4th of July fireworks display.

    The good news is that no person has been reported of being hit by lightning and there are no reports of anyone being swept away in a flash flood as of this writing. Take these tips: (1.) If in New York City, stay indoors and watch the fireworks from your balcony window or on television. (2.) If not in New York, go elsewhere. And (3.) Safety first in all that you do this 4th of July and do not become a statistic.

    In this article I recommend for earning multiple streams of income, it is 100% free and is time sensitive due to limited positions.  I also recommend This is also 100% free, earn income by playing games, win prizes and trips. And remember as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."
    storm brought sky-to-ground lightning strikes to New York City on ... 

    Sunday, June 22, 2014

    Amazon Fire phone

    Talk about one-upmanship Amazon has done it once again with this smartphone. It is called the "Amazon Fire phone." This smartphone has 32GB in its price package and there is 64GB available as well. Of course there is the family, individual and without a service plan and is set to be released July 25, 2014. I just love smartphones because they are just so smart, don't you agree? Of course you do. By the way, you can pre-order from this page so use the amazon icon on the right.

    I also love free stuff and more on target free stuff that brings in an income source. Follow these 2 tips: (1.) go to It is 100% free, easy to join, earn multiple streams of income and it is time sensitive so act fast and act now.
    (2.) check out This too is 100% free, state-of-the-art app where you can earn a source of income, play games, win trips and is the best mobile adventure app in the world. Don't miss out, this too is time sensitive, so act now. There is a limit on the number of folks to access this.

    Let's recap in no exact order: (A.) Join the down-line site for free.
    (B.) Join the mobile adventure app site for free. When I say free, I mean free with no hooks and catches.
    (C.) Put the "Amazon Fire Phone," on pre-order using this page. Now, that brings us to that old familiar time when I say as they always say in Hollywood after completing a successful film project, "And cut." That's a wrap."
    Fire Phone Hardware

    Friday, June 13, 2014

    "Beef Recall"

    "Where's the beef." Well, it is being recalled by Fruitland American Meat of Jackson, Missouri. More than 4,000 pounds of fresh beef has to be sent back from Whole Foods Supermarkets and restaurants. The USDA says that the risk of transmission of the mad cow disease is "remote." The disease causes what is called "Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease," and is degenerative and fatal to humans. The amount of beef is equal to 4 or 5 steers and given the variable of exact weight of steers to damage of infected meat that leaves it in the plus or minus range. Likely, more plus than minus.

    Well, I must say, the vegetarians are sure glad that they are not meat eaters, while meat lovers are not so excited about being out of a few steaks and ribs for that weekend barbecue.  However, they are thrilled that it was caught in time and that it is not their last barbecue party.

    What can you expect from a company named Fruitland handling meat. That is equal to a company named Meatland  handling fruits and vegetables. Tip: avoid Whole Foods this weekend and get those steaks from your local Vons, Ralphs, Albertsons and various private meat distributors. It is a safe bet that they may not have contaminated meat.

    On a side note: please offer your opinion of this site and use a scale of 1-10, 1 being not interested and 10 being very interested; Give the good, the bad and the ugly effects on your feelings over this tidbit.

    Once again we have reached that time again and as they always say in Hollywood after a successful shooting of a film. "And cut." "That's a wrap!"

    NEW YORK, NY - MAY 07: People walk out of Whole Foods Market in the Brooklyn borough on May 7, 2014 in New York City. Whole Foods Market, an upscale grocery store that sells many organic and gourmet foods, has reported disappointing sales and profit outlooks. Shares for the company have dropped as much as 22% today, its biggest decline in years. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

    Sunday, June 1, 2014

    Hidden Cash

    This strikes me as a little odd, it seems an unidentified millionaire has planted cash in random places in San Francisco and then in Los Angeles inside "angry bird toys," around the Hermosa Beach, California area.

    Good idea or is it a bad idea?  You be the judge. However, I think he is on the right trajectory only his delivery, leaves a lot to be desired. Granted he should not give to charities that would use the money to pay for administrative duties and do very little to help the people that need it the most.

    Why not give it directly to individuals. I believe that would make the bigger and better impact in folks lives, than planting money in different places and causing treasure hunt fever chaos, don't you agree? Of course you do.

    Well at least his heart is in the right place although his aim is just a little off the mark. Now, as they always say in Hollywood after a successful shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."

    Thursday, May 1, 2014

    Baltimore sinkhole

    Just when you think the worst that could happen has occurred something else gives you just one more thing to be concerned  about. It lets us all know full well that we are all vulnerable. Just like a Northeast residential neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland realized when a block long sinkhole opened up near the railroad tracks used by the CSX rail carrier.

    The entire block of  houses were evacuated and no injuries were reported. This story has bad news and good news in it. The bad news is a sinkhole and the good news no one got hurt. That is news we could all live with, isn't it? Of course it is. I do not believe there has been a movie about a sinkhole going viral. There has been movies made involving a towering inferno, volcano, floods, earthquakes, animals and reptiles going nuclear but no sinkhole. Not yet. Don't you agree? Of course you do. Now who would make a good director and actors and actresses to pull off a blockbuster like this. Well your guess is as good as mine if not better.

    That reminds me of good old Rod Sterling and his professoral dialogue on the "Twilight Zone." Oh no, I am about to reveal my age here to all you youngsters, so suffice it to say for now as they always say in  Hollywood. "And cut, that's a wrap."
    Massive Baltimore sinkhole swallows roadway, parked cars - 7NEWS ...

    Saturday, April 5, 2014

    Deer UFO

    I thought that I heard it all however, this takes the prize of the most unusual.  Edith and Rainer Shattles had set up trail cameras in the Mississippi woods of Jackson, Mississippi hoping to see some innocent deers, little did they realize that they would capture a little more than expected.

    Their infrared cameras captured mysterious and unexplainable lights in the night sky over Cumbest Bluff. The footage was shot between 7:24 pm and 7:56pm on a clear winter night. Talk about a deer caught in the headlight.

    This will certainly bring all the UFO'ers and ghost hunters to Jackson, Mississippi. I can see it all on perhaps "Destination Truth." Is'nt it one for a good story line. "UFO's in Jackson, Mississippi. Well, anyway, as they always say in Hollywood, "And cut, that's a wrap."

                                                                                                                                            A light appeared in the sky directly over the deer



    Thursday, March 6, 2014

    Carry on bags

    Chicago based United Airlines has started to send passengers back to the ticket counter for oversized carry on bags. Well, that is a big slap in the face, if you do not mind me saying so. This trip back to the ticket counter will cost the sent passenger $25.00 for the oversized carry on.

    Security checkpoints will be on the lookout for bags that are too big. Bag sizing boxes are at most of the airports. So if you plan on flying the unfriendly skies of United call ahead to make sure there is one at the airport you are departing from. Emails have been sent to frequent fliers. The bags can be no larger than 9 inches by 14 inches by 22 inches. One other item is allowed and it would have to be a purse or laptop bag and that is either or and not both.

    Will this cause folks to switch airline patronages? I seriously doubt it.  Since 9-11 we as passengers have become more tolerable with airline policy and regulations than at any other time in history. In my opinion it is becoming the norm to accept the inconveniences of flying. It is still better than the alternative. "Don't you agree?"

    Well, as they always say in Hollywood and make sure if you are flying there to get the ruler out for your carry on bags, "And cut." That's a wrap."

    Monday, February 3, 2014

    Marshall Islands castaway survivor

    Jose Salvador Alvarenga a 37 year old man survived a 13 month shipwreck and lived to tell the story.A man leaves Mexico in December 2012 for a day of shark fishing and ends up surviving 13 months on fish, birds and turtles before washing ashore on the remote Marshall Islands some 5,500 miles away.

    The fishermen went off course, and soon they were lost and adrift. Well, what about the Skipper, Gilligan, The Professor, Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Ginger and Maryann?  Oh, I guess they weren't on this faithful trip. This too sounds like a prelude to another castaway movie. A fisherman leaves port in a ship bound for a fishing expedition and somehow gets lost at sea and is shipwrecked somewhere and have to survive for 1 year and a month on whatever food and water is available. Perhaps drinking his urine for water. Parental Guidance for the young. Perhaps another reality television show. No.  Too many of them already.

    This could be just another idea for a movie. Oh well, as they always say in Hollywood, "And cut."  "That's a wrap."