Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Explosion in Paris

A partial collapse of a 4-story apartment building has left 7 dead so far in a northeastern Paris suburb. Officials said there was no longer any danger of a 2nd explosion. A gas leak is believed to be the cause of the mishap.

As far as building collapse and explosion go the building I live in is likely to go before I do. Yes, we have maintenance that get paid to do absolutely nothing at all for the comfort of its occupants. Isn't it all about safety and saving lives? Of course it is. However, it seems the attitude of today is to be unsafe and take lives.

I've been told there are better days ahead and all is well. Then will anyone tell me if that is really a light at the end of the tunnel or is it the headlights of an oncoming bus. Well with that, as they always say in Hollywood after a film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."

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