Monday, February 3, 2014

Marshall Islands castaway survivor

Jose Salvador Alvarenga a 37 year old man survived a 13 month shipwreck and lived to tell the story.A man leaves Mexico in December 2012 for a day of shark fishing and ends up surviving 13 months on fish, birds and turtles before washing ashore on the remote Marshall Islands some 5,500 miles away.

The fishermen went off course, and soon they were lost and adrift. Well, what about the Skipper, Gilligan, The Professor, Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Ginger and Maryann?  Oh, I guess they weren't on this faithful trip. This too sounds like a prelude to another castaway movie. A fisherman leaves port in a ship bound for a fishing expedition and somehow gets lost at sea and is shipwrecked somewhere and have to survive for 1 year and a month on whatever food and water is available. Perhaps drinking his urine for water. Parental Guidance for the young. Perhaps another reality television show. No.  Too many of them already.

This could be just another idea for a movie. Oh well, as they always say in Hollywood, "And cut."  "That's a wrap."

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