Friday, December 12, 2014

12 days to Christmas

Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas day is fast approaching. Other than my birthday which is in the spring, the  best time of the year for me is November1 to Jan 1, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. I love Turkey and all the trimmings, pies, cakes, ice cream and more. I love gifts at Christmas and New Years celebrations and resolutions. Yes, it is the time of the year, when semester finals are taken and everyone is planning to spend the holiday at home, wherever that is with family, friends and relatives, watch collegiate football games, as your favorite college team give it that old college try to win the all important game, give gifts and promise rings to that significant other. Take those vacations to be able to do all that, using your sick days and paid days vacation, just to have time to do those things that are most important to you and with whomever you choose to make time for.

It is at this time of Christmas that I love decorations, community Christmas carolers, the reminder that Christmas is about what Jesus Christ has done for us by making the ultimate sacrifice to save people of all races, color, creed and national origin. It is a time to really give thanks for all the things that we take for granted every day. It is a time for prayers of peace, good will towards men and God and heavenly angels and hosts of heaven, prayers of prosperity, prayers for nations, prayers for all of humankind, prayers for healing of the earth and all people and animals, fishes, birds of the air, trees and plants.

"The point of power is in the present moment." Let's use this time to bring love in all the abundance that the universe possess. Let's speak encouraging words to one another, instead of hate, let's see value in people and not judgment and peace instead of fear. Let each of us take this time to make it the best possible time of all times. Well, as they always say in Hollywood after a successful shoot, "And cut."  "That's a wrap."


housecat said...

Merry X'mas! And Happy New Year!

charles said...

Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too.