Sunday, June 22, 2014

Amazon Fire phone

Talk about one-upmanship Amazon has done it once again with this smartphone. It is called the "Amazon Fire phone." This smartphone has 32GB in its price package and there is 64GB available as well. Of course there is the family, individual and without a service plan and is set to be released July 25, 2014. I just love smartphones because they are just so smart, don't you agree? Of course you do. By the way, you can pre-order from this page so use the amazon icon on the right.

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Let's recap in no exact order: (A.) Join the down-line site for free.
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(C.) Put the "Amazon Fire Phone," on pre-order using this page. Now, that brings us to that old familiar time when I say as they always say in Hollywood after completing a successful film project, "And cut." That's a wrap."
Fire Phone Hardware

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