Saturday, April 5, 2014

Deer UFO

I thought that I heard it all however, this takes the prize of the most unusual.  Edith and Rainer Shattles had set up trail cameras in the Mississippi woods of Jackson, Mississippi hoping to see some innocent deers, little did they realize that they would capture a little more than expected.

Their infrared cameras captured mysterious and unexplainable lights in the night sky over Cumbest Bluff. The footage was shot between 7:24 pm and 7:56pm on a clear winter night. Talk about a deer caught in the headlight.

This will certainly bring all the UFO'ers and ghost hunters to Jackson, Mississippi. I can see it all on perhaps "Destination Truth." Is'nt it one for a good story line. "UFO's in Jackson, Mississippi. Well, anyway, as they always say in Hollywood, "And cut, that's a wrap."

                                                                                                                                        A light appeared in the sky directly over the deer



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