Friday, December 9, 2016

Merry Christmas

Remember to do your shopping early and send those gifts right away if you have to mail any to avoid any delays. Also a very special Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to 'Housecat', "Everything Happens For a Reason" and Ashley Dueling. May 2017 be more prosperous than 2016.

This has been a very good year for me and I am looking forward to having a better one in 2017. I am positioning myself as the go to guy for health tips and moving my assorted product line. We have a new President and already have him settled into the White House. Hint the name.  Retail stores are hitting their sales quotas and moving their merchandise at a record pace or so it seems to me. Folks are getting into that festive mood and all is well.

Thank you Ashley Dueling in guiding me to myself or should I say back to my real self a much happier, wiser and healthier self with a unique sense of humor. Cannot say enough about your clinical expertise in which you are extremely proficient and if you happen to read this blog. Thank you again.

I can now spend Christmas or New Years in Las Vegas on the Strip without any phobias. Although for anyone that has been to Las Vegas you really cannot say the same for others there. I send love, happiness and peace out to everyone, thank you. So as they always say in Hollywood after a film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap." also "Live long and prosper." 'Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock of the Star Trek episodes.'
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Friday, November 4, 2016

Give thanks this month

Happy Thanksgiving 'Housecat' "Everything Happens For A Reason", all happiness to you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving Ash to you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Beginning at Halloween, this is the season to reflect and to bring joy and happiness and being thankful for whatever you have and to celebrate the year in retrospect from January to December.

This November a new President will become the "Commander-in-Chief" and Ambassador to the world as we know it. I feel history will be made and I will go as far to say that in the first time since Americas independence a woman will be in the white house. It is time for a woman's touch.  Don't you agree? Of course you do. Be thankful and be happy that is the way to create light, fluid and positive strings of energy so that more good things will come your way and less of the bad things.

Remember to invite everyone that you can think of to your festival thanksgiving dinner as you are able and to remember the homeless and needy at this time also if you are able and to remember that all good things come from God. Isn't it true? Of course its true.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October means Happy Halloween

Well, maybe it doesn't, however, it is that time of the year again when all the children dress up as zombies, witches, favorite superhero and everything else and knock on receptive doors and say, "Trick or Treat." It is so much fun to give them candy and watch those smiles and all that energy and wish them a good time and safe night. Don't you agree? Of course you do.

There are 2 things to remember adults; 1.) all candy must be wrapped
                                                        and 2.) mix it up with something in the line of a fruit snack.
You should also make sure your house is available by decorating in some Halloween theme with lots of pumpkins with candles inside of them and your house is well lit up to attract their attention.

One more thing shop early for your treats because at some time before that fun around the full moon night it has been known to run out of your favorites. Now, as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"
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Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The next President of the United States?

I believe that there is a democratic and a republican candidate for the position of President and that is Hillary Clinton for the democratic nomination and Donald Trump for the republican nomination isn't it true? Well, of course it is true. There are other parties in the running, however, they are not in the media limelight. Both Hillary and Donald have made their platform speeches to why they would be the best choice for President and why the other would not be a very good choice.

Politicians have always been known to have hidden agendas and some down right corrupt in the way they conduct themselves. This is a touchy subject and I am not going to mention who I am for and who I distrust the most and not for. It comes down to a matter of letting the November election decide. May the most trustworthy candidate win and God bless America.

Now is the time for my noteworthy signature signoff and it begins "As they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot." And cut!" "That's a wrap!"

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A divided America, will it stand?

The United States of America has always been and will always be a racist, hating, bigoted blot on the world with its deep rooted hatred of blacks, gays and anyone else that is not like what white America accepts as passable. Even today, right now there are sections of America that will always be racist until the last racist person has died off.

The United States of America has improved a little bit since the 1960's only not by much. The reason is there is this attitude that "I am better than you." And the fact that their belief is misguided, retarded and abnormal, doesn't seem to effect a self analysis process to actually see that their concept of right is twisted to the far left wing of wrong.

I did not know about racism until I went to the 7th grade and was confronted with its ugliness.  I have always agreed with will always agree with the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King that a person should be judged on the content of ones character and not on the color of the skin, what neighborhood they grew up in, what religion, sexual preference or any other low level measurement that is used. We are stronger together and weaker apart. I am through ranting and raving now, so as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film making, "And Cut." "That's a wrap."
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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

O2--This deserves a repeat!

There is a lot to rave about this day and I have something that is dear to my heart and it is great health and a great business which I am fortunate enough to have both. They have bonded into one great life for me and I am truly blessed to be a part of such a fantastic chance of a life time. A little about O2 is that it employs oxygen to revitalize the body from the cellular level giving optimum health and energy. The business side is getting folks on board so that they can enjoy the benefits as well.

It is by far the easiest money that you will ever make. Don't even think about trying anything else, since its launch in February of this year it has grown in the number of people that has memberships. O2 has opened up in 46 countries and more is being added at the time of this writing. You must see this for yourself to get an idea of what I am trying to get across. Here is the link:

Well as they say in Hollywood after a successful film shooting. "And cut!" "That's a wrap."

Monday, June 6, 2016

O2 Worlwide Product Launch

Sometimes in order to set things right, you just have to take matters into your own hands and sometimes on those rare occasions it comes down to our mouths. Don't you agree? Of course you do. What I am talking about is how all our food nutrients have all but lost their potency from the fruits and vegetables to the staple food that we eat to the water even to the air we breath. I like this basic take on it that "health is the first wealth." Isn't it so true?" Of course it is.

A new and revolutionary product is at last helping us to at least stabilize our rapid decline and subsequent ill health. It is called simply "O2." To learn what it means to you go here; There is also a business compensation offer with it, that is most interesting. As I see it we all have 2 options. Option A: do something to save ourselves and possibly live healthy and strong until the day we expire naturally, or "Option B." do nothing and die early without leaving our mark on the world concerning our legacy. I choose "Option A."  Your choice for that matter is entirely up to all of you. I recommend you choose wisely.

Well as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut!" "That's a wrap."

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Captain America

Is anyone planning on seeing "Captain America, Civil War?" I do believe that I will, only not on the first day of its showing or for that matter the first week. I believe that I will wait until after the 3rd week when the crowds have go down and the anticipation has faded.

There seems to be not too many interesting movies as of late and not to dismiss Captain America because I have always liked Captain America and the others it is what I grew up with. Don't you agree, that Hollywood seems to be running out of ideas for blockbuster movies and that they are still testing the comic strips? Of course you agree. What new movies are you planning on seeing? I hope you enjoy.

Nothing like a huge box of popcorn, a large drink, a candy bar and maybe a hotdog or 2. Junk food and being at the theater goes great together because it is comforting, isn't it true? Of course it's true. I love all the theaters with the adjustable and reclining chairs that you control. Plenty of room and space. Hope you folks enjoy the movies because it is one of America's greatest as they always say in Hollywood after one of their successful shoots, "And cut." "That's a wrap."
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Friday, April 8, 2016

University Campus Safety

When I think of an institution of higher learning the first thought that comes to me is, university. To me that says it all. That is where we learn to put descriptive words to our thoughts which more or less are our opinions on just about every facet of study there is and everything we become acquainted with.

When we walk those ivory halls of learning with our ideas and preparations for those specialized or general fields of study the last thing on the mind is that it may be the last time on earth that you will do anything in this physical realm. Case in point the senseless homicide of a University of Texas female co-ed, that had everything to live for and hope for suddenly ended by some predator lurking on the campus.

Even if you were to beef up security until it was more secure than Fort Knox, there will still be someone that has lost their life due to some killer or mishap of some sort. It is inevitable and the only thing is that you hope that you make it through those years to be able to at least make an initial contribution to the field that you specialized in.

What is the answer to being safe enough to live a prosperous life and enjoy your activities? I have no idea? I hope you do. Perhaps we will all be able to respect all life and love all life to want to preserve all life. We can only hope. Don't you agree? Of course you do. Now, we have reached that time, where I say as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film making, "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"
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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Ultimate Fighting Championship

I do not love to see beautiful women going at it to prove that they are the best mixed martial artist in the world. Case in point the latest fight night in Las Vegas, Nevada between challenger Meisha Tate and Bantam Weight Champion Holly Holmes. Holmes lost the match and Tate is the new Bantam Weight Champion.

In all sports including martial arts contest any given day you can win or you can lose and that includes Sunday. There is no absolutes which translates to no guaranteed outcome, don't you agree? Of course you do. The best that anyone can do is train hard to get into the best shape of their life, take their vitamins and say their prayers at night and hope that all turns out alright, Isn't it true?

To me all the women fighters are champions and have earned their rites of passage as the best in the world at what they do. They are all beautiful, well built, elite females that have chiseled themselves the right to be called a legend. We salute you.

Well, as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."

Friday, February 5, 2016

Global Domains International

This is really a hot item and if anyone reads this blog the folks at Global Domains is going to change the way the entire world will interact. I am excited to be a part of this great wave. I have fastened my seatbelts and am counting down to blast off.

Global Domains International is the official registry for all .WS domain names. When I began my 7-day FREE trial with GDI, I selected my own personal .WS domain name to use in conjunction with all provided services, such as hosting my own blog, website, and using truly personalized email.

GDI WebMail allows me to use my own domain name as my email address and I can access my email through my account from any Internet connection in the world!
Instead of using a long and hard to remember email address like, I can use For example you could have and each person in your family or business can use your domain name as well such as etc., up to 10 email addresses!

Your wakeup starts here: Let me know if you like it. As they always say in Hollywood after a monumentally successful film shoot, "and cut." "That's a wrap."

Monday, January 4, 2016


I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year celebration. New Years resolutions I did not make because I did not want to  promise anything that I would not keep. So I left it blank and hope that all will work out just fine.

As usual there is always surprises pleasant and unpleasant and all will have to be taken in stride. I hope this year holds more pleasant surprises than unpleasant ones. There are still questions left yet to be answered.

Who will win the Super Bowl? Who will be number 1 and number 2 in the college polls? Who will our next President be? Will I meet Ms. Perfect? Will I marry her? Will I stay sane or am I already insane and don't know it yet?  That and many more questions await for destiny to answer.

Housecat of "Everything Happens for a Reason", may this year give you all that you ever hoped for. I wish you love, peace, joy and happiness all throughout this year and a prosperous one at that. Well, as they always say after a successful film shoot, "And cut." "That's a wrap!"