Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The next President of the United States?

I believe that there is a democratic and a republican candidate for the position of President and that is Hillary Clinton for the democratic nomination and Donald Trump for the republican nomination isn't it true? Well, of course it is true. There are other parties in the running, however, they are not in the media limelight. Both Hillary and Donald have made their platform speeches to why they would be the best choice for President and why the other would not be a very good choice.

Politicians have always been known to have hidden agendas and some down right corrupt in the way they conduct themselves. This is a touchy subject and I am not going to mention who I am for and who I distrust the most and not for. It comes down to a matter of letting the November election decide. May the most trustworthy candidate win and God bless America.

Now is the time for my noteworthy signature signoff and it begins "As they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot." And cut!" "That's a wrap!"

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