Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A divided America, will it stand?

The United States of America has always been and will always be a racist, hating, bigoted blot on the world with its deep rooted hatred of blacks, gays and anyone else that is not like what white America accepts as passable. Even today, right now there are sections of America that will always be racist until the last racist person has died off.

The United States of America has improved a little bit since the 1960's only not by much. The reason is there is this attitude that "I am better than you." And the fact that their belief is misguided, retarded and abnormal, doesn't seem to effect a self analysis process to actually see that their concept of right is twisted to the far left wing of wrong.

I did not know about racism until I went to the 7th grade and was confronted with its ugliness.  I have always agreed with will always agree with the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King that a person should be judged on the content of ones character and not on the color of the skin, what neighborhood they grew up in, what religion, sexual preference or any other low level measurement that is used. We are stronger together and weaker apart. I am through ranting and raving now, so as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film making, "And Cut." "That's a wrap."
Image result for divided America images

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