Monday, January 4, 2016


I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year celebration. New Years resolutions I did not make because I did not want to  promise anything that I would not keep. So I left it blank and hope that all will work out just fine.

As usual there is always surprises pleasant and unpleasant and all will have to be taken in stride. I hope this year holds more pleasant surprises than unpleasant ones. There are still questions left yet to be answered.

Who will win the Super Bowl? Who will be number 1 and number 2 in the college polls? Who will our next President be? Will I meet Ms. Perfect? Will I marry her? Will I stay sane or am I already insane and don't know it yet?  That and many more questions await for destiny to answer.

Housecat of "Everything Happens for a Reason", may this year give you all that you ever hoped for. I wish you love, peace, joy and happiness all throughout this year and a prosperous one at that. Well, as they always say after a successful film shoot, "And cut." "That's a wrap!"

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