Thursday, March 6, 2014

Carry on bags

Chicago based United Airlines has started to send passengers back to the ticket counter for oversized carry on bags. Well, that is a big slap in the face, if you do not mind me saying so. This trip back to the ticket counter will cost the sent passenger $25.00 for the oversized carry on.

Security checkpoints will be on the lookout for bags that are too big. Bag sizing boxes are at most of the airports. So if you plan on flying the unfriendly skies of United call ahead to make sure there is one at the airport you are departing from. Emails have been sent to frequent fliers. The bags can be no larger than 9 inches by 14 inches by 22 inches. One other item is allowed and it would have to be a purse or laptop bag and that is either or and not both.

Will this cause folks to switch airline patronages? I seriously doubt it.  Since 9-11 we as passengers have become more tolerable with airline policy and regulations than at any other time in history. In my opinion it is becoming the norm to accept the inconveniences of flying. It is still better than the alternative. "Don't you agree?"

Well, as they always say in Hollywood and make sure if you are flying there to get the ruler out for your carry on bags, "And cut." That's a wrap."

1 comment:

housecat said...

Hello Charles, how have u been?