Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Positive Mental Attitude

The POWER I feel within me is the real me and is who and what I really am. I feel my newly inspired positive BELIEF growing and expanding. I hear it speaking through me now, stronger than ever before. I see new smiles reflected back to greet mine. I feel a wonderful new sense of joy, peace, confidence is mine. I command all other thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs to "Be Still!" I am in control of my own mind. I choose this new empowered path for my life. I receive, acknowledge, accept all of the wonderful rewards, demonstrations of my expanded BELIEF. I record them in my journal as demonstrations of the new me that they truly are. I feel a new sense of pride that humbles me as I know that I am now becoming who and what I've always wanted to be. I say , thank-you to myself and to all that have helped me on this new and magnificent path of understanding and accomplishment. And so I go and so I grow and so I am!

1 comment:

housecat said...

i like what you said :) yup, go ahead and be YOU keke