Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A real grant to Individuals

Referrer: Charles McClarty send e-mail or fax or mail copies to the Gift along with statement that you have read and agreed to the terms. Given in Freedom Trust, Gift Trustee Ltd, William A. Hull Business Center #210 Main Street, Charleston, Nevis West Indies: fax 869-469-0996, email : gift remember you must get 3 other persons to activate account.THE GIVEN IN FREEDOM TRUST
Indenture Disclosure &
Beneficiary Authentication/Activation Contract
Specimen Contract No. 19990519
Recitals: The private Grantors of this Trust are known by GIFT Trustee, Ltd., (Hereinafter referred to as "the Trustee") to be financially capable and to derive their funds from non-criminal activities and sources. The Grantors hereby enter into this contract, having established Given In Freedom Trust, (hereinafter referred to as "'the Trust"), the financial services for which shall be provided by deposit-insured banks, and the administrative/ trustee services for which shall be provided by the Trustee. The undersigned entity, whether private person, partnership, association, corporation or other business entity type, trust, or organization (hereinafter referred to as "Beneficiary" or "it") is a Beneficiary of the Trust. The Trustee shall administer the Trust
for the benefit of the Trust's Beneficiaries, as follows:
I. Initial Contribution and Creation of Accounting System: The Grantors have gifted to the general Corpus of the Trust an initial amount sufficient so that individuals who activate an account will have an initial Corpus Account balance of Three ($3.00 USD) United States Dollars. Further, the Grantors have authorized the Trustee to create a system of sub-accounting within the Trust so that any subsequent contributions may be made to increase the Corpus value are segregated for each individual Beneficiary of the Corpus of the Trust in general.
2. Additional Contributions to Corpus: The Grantors will from time to time gift, as a Beneficiary directly or indirectly refers another Beneficiary to the Trust, the additional sum of $0.333 to the segregated Corpus Account of the directly or indirectly referring Beneficiary, up to a maximum gift of Two Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand four Hundred Fifty-Four and 28/100 ($265,454.28 USD) United States Dollars per participant.
3. Irrevocable Designation of Beneficiary/Beneficiaries: The Grantors hereby irrevocably designate the undersigned as a Beneficiary of the Trust. Each Beneficiary may name any Contingent or Successor Beneficiary / Beneficiaries at any time.
4. No Alterations by Grantors or by the Trustee: Once a Beneficiary has been named by the Grantors, the Grantors hereby pledge not to change their designation of that Beneficiary, nor alter the rights of a Beneficiary to further name Contingent or Successor Beneficiary/ Beneficiaries. Further, the Trustee may not alter any designation of Beneficiary/ Beneficiaries, nor any other term of this Trust's indenture.
5. Alterations Power of Trustee, if Requested by a Beneficiary: Any Beneficiary of the Trust may submit a Letter of Wishes that the Trustee terminate, transfer, withhold, pay to another or otherwise alter that Beneficiary's distributions or potential distributions under the Trust. Such a Letter of Wishes has no force and effect until received and approved by the Trustee.
6. Third Party Actions Against a Beneficiary: The Trustee has been placed under specific contract not to allow a Beneficiary's status under the Trust (and potential distributions of earnings from the Corpus of the Trust) to be made subject to attachment, garnishment, levy, lien, or judgment, liquidation to satisfy any or all creditors of the Beneficiary in the event of insolvency of the Beneficiary or the Beneficiary's authorized agent(s), or other third-party action(s) against a Beneficiary or a Beneficiary's authorized agent(s). The Trustee and the Banks hereby irrevocably agree to the general and specific contract terms of this paragraph.
7. Trust Administration: The Trustee is hereby charged with the prudent administration of the Trust, investing the Corpus in financial products and services guaranteed by the qualified, financially-stable banks, and additionally, if necessary, underwritten by the Grantors, so as to produce and provide earnings to the Trust which shall be available to Beneficiaries as provided herein.
8. Guaranteed Rate of Trust Earnings: Earnings to be distributed to Beneficiaries shall be as such established by the Trustee in contract with the participating banks from time to time as applying to all such segregated trust accounts.
9. Distribution from Trust Corpus: The Trustee shall not allow distributions to the Beneficiary to be deducted from the Corpus of the Trust, but shall operate the Trust as a perpetual "spendthrift" trust, maintaining and compounding Corpus balances, but making distributions of Trust earnings to Beneficiaries as provided herein.
10. Tax Reporting: The Trustee and the banks are under requirement of law not to report to any governmental or private third-parties those distributions of Trust earnings which are made to individual Beneficiaries of the Trust. It is the responsibility of each Beneficiary to determine what, if any, tax reporting requirements are applicable to the Beneficiary upon commencement receipt of distributions from the Trust's earnings.
11. Governance of this Contract: It is understood and agreed by all parties hereto that:
(a) The site of this Contract is the Island of Nevis, West Indies, and that this Contract shall be interpreted and governed according to the (English) Common Law of Contracts;
(b) Any dispute, which the parties cannot resolve among themselves, shall be
put to binding arbitration in which each disputing party may appoint, at its own expense, an advocate. The advocates, in turn, shall come to an agreement as to a suitable arbitrator. If the advocates cannot agree on a single arbitrator, then each advocate may appoint an arbitrator and the arbitrators so appointed shall then constitute a panel of Arbitrators. So that the number on the Panel of Arbitrators may be odd, the Panel of Arbitrators has the obligation to elect an additional arbitrator to the panel, if necessary. The site of an arbitration shall be Nevis, West Indies, or by telephone conference, or otherwise, as may be agreed by the advocates and the arbitrators. The responsibility for the costs of telephone conference arbitration, any travel, lodging and per diem expenses, advocate fees, arbitrator fees and expenses shall be as determined in the arbitration.
12. Successor Beneficiaries: If the above-named Beneficiary should die or cease to exist, the party /parties named on the Contract Activation Form are to be the Successor Beneficiary/Beneficiaries of the segregated Corpus Account of the Trust. If more than one party is listed, then the first party is to be the one with the right to submit Letters of Wishes to the Trustee on behalf of all parties.
NOTE: To activate a segregated Corpus Account (and a Cash Available Account) with the Given In Freedom Trust, you must complete the "Contract Activation Form", acknowledging that you have read, understood, and agreed to all of the terms and conditions in this "Contract Specimen No. 19990519".

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