Thursday, May 10, 2007

Positive Mental Attitude part 2

This is the confirmation part of the positive mental attitude mind frame. The length of time it takes to accept this new line of thinking depends entirely on the individual. Everyone is different and that difference is what makes people unique.

My life and mind are now connected to a greater POWER than ever before, my new personal belief of (fill in your new positive belief) is growing, taking root and serving me now. I see it's power everywhere. I feel it filling old empty spaces. There is power or value in thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
This is now the law of my life and I live it in love, gratitude and humility. Thank-you I accept and so I BELIEVE and so I ACHIEVE and so IT IS.

1 comment:

housecat said...

Hello Charles, thank u very much for all your encouraging words..i think u might just be a nice guy, who thinks alot too :)i enjoy our somehow, somewhat mysterious interactions...cheerios