Saturday, December 5, 2015

Merry Christmas

The words Christmas is suppose to mean Christ Day and it is the day Jesus Christ was born. The first week of Advent which is the birth of Christ celebrates 4 Sundays before the event. The first Sunday was November 29,2015 and every Sunday thereafter to the 4th and last Sunday before Jesus's birth.

For children it means toys and other presents and a big holiday dinner. A jolly fat man in a red suit and hat with a sleigh pulled by reindeer that flies from rooftop to rooftop delivering presents by sliding down the chimney into the family room/living room. Pictures and movies always show him nice and clean after coming through a chimney with a big bag to stuff stockings and leave under the tree gifts. I figure he must magically makes himself as tiny as a tack as well as the presents to emerge covered with ashes and soot.

For adults it means cooking Christmas meals,  getting presents together, decorating trees, caroling, listening to christmas music and watching movies, relaxing setting up for guests.

For churches it is getting the word out about Jesus Christ, the reason for the season, decorating trees, caroling, preparing meals and making sure the less fortunate at least get a Christmas meal, putting on
reenactments of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Merry Christmas Housecat, "Everything Happens For A Reason." Merry Christmas to All, and as they say in Hollywood on a successful film shoot, "And cut." "That's a wrap."


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

I  know it is early still, however, the month of November is about the time to count your blessings and to be thankful for what you have and share it with family, relatives and friends. Now, that we have entered into the beginning of 2015's last holidays of the year, Thanksgiving day is a great start of the final festive events.

Housecat, "Everything Happens For A Reason," may you and yours have a very, very Happy Thanksgiving. You are beautiful and your words of wisdom in your past blogs are just as beautiful as well as your beautiful spirit. You should consider blogging again, because you are talented blogger. I would love to meet you one day and tell you in person how wonderful you are, however, you are half way around the world and I am in the United States, so I just say so here, I love everything about you and although you may be married now, I can still remember your zest for life and it's endearing effect on  my heart. Thank you Housecat.

As for me this Thanksgiving it all begins with food preparation for the meal that day, pick up popcorn and grapes to throw at opposing players of teams I am not partial to in the arena of football and just share with family, relatives and friends. Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone and be safe, comfortable and joyous. As I always conclude with my signature sign-off as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film, "And cut." "That's a wrap."
Image result for Thanksgiving imagesImage result for Thanksgiving images

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The month that is the famous Halloween signature observance

Now, we are getting into the final months of 2015 and I must say we kick off October with the 31st hosting the now famous "Happy Halloween" festivities. I just love this time of year. It is so full of hope and promises of good things to come. Or maybe some bad, I should wish not. "Trick or Treat", oh how I love to hear those words from all the trick or treaters.  I plan to have my candy treats ready.

By the way, here is a short list of do's for the chaperones of this yearly event:
1.) Make sure all trick or treaters or a supervisor have flashlights or a glow stick and it is on
2.) Cross safely at all intersections
3.) Take no unwrapped candy with you home
4.) Commute in groups
5.) Stop at reasonable time when celebrating, it should conclude at 9:00 PM the latest
6.) Watch all the Halloween films making for just the right type of movies at this time.
7.) Finally, try not to eat too much candy and get a stomach ache.

Remember, have fun it is a holiday however, unofficially and as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot on a set, "And cut." "That's a wrap."

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I suppose you can call this month the fall of the calendar months. However, fall is not official until later. I guess calling the month of September, "Autumn," will have to do. The trees are beginning to look as though they are gearing up to shed their leaves and the grass will be turning partly brown, unless you have astro-turf.

Pre-season football is in now and soon it will be regular season. I suppose September is the month of reckoning for making all preparations for an easy winter or a hard cold one. There are a few places that have what is called "Indian Summer" and there are other places that have the telltale signs of a change of season approaching.

Whatever part of the country you are in I am sure September will leave its calling card in your city and state. I prefer Spring although I enjoy the holiday months. What may I ask, Is your season of choice? That is, if you are reading this blog of course. Well, enjoy your choice and as I usually say with my signature sign off, as they always say in Hollywood after a film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."
September days are kaleidoscopes of lights and moods - a cyclist rides ...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Back to school


Now is the time of year that all folks that are still interested in meeting new people, forming friendships or fiendships, learning new things and having the hopes and dreams of putting all that theory to work in the real world after graduation comes around again. How did you spend your summer vacation? Most likely not studying only partying. Well, enjoy ,you only live once, just make the memories of what you did, good ones and not the ones that you never, ever, want to mention again or remember when?

Education is important from the standpoint of broadening your views of the different and interesting fields of study there is and becoming a more well-rounded person with the ability to voice his or hers thoughts and opinions clearly and decisively.  Finish school, it is the best choice that you will ever make. The things that are most valuable and hold the most meaning is never easy to come by. It requires hard work and dedication to step up and face up to the challenges that are the most rewarding. The challenge of completing school. Just do it.

"Learning is what we will be doing for the rest of our lives." So, learn all you can and be the best that you can be and the best person that you can be. It is now that time to say as the always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Happy 4th of July weekend everyone!

For everyone that love back to back overcrowded places and lots of fun-loving adventures there is only one place that comes to mind. Las Vegas, Nevada. 24-hour non-stop entertainment. Anyone that has ever been to Vegas, knows what I'm telling. Personally I do not like loud people and a bunch of fireworks, however, there are quite a few folks that do.

I love the all-you-can-eat buffets with chefs around the world serving their best entrees. I love the themed hotel casinos theaters, shopping and 24 hour comedy, concert singing, zoological and botanical gardens, soon to be open water park that was running full time a few years  back and the unbeatable street entertainment. It is a city that is still hard on the homeless because of the tourism, however, it is a place for them also and they do sometimes offer their trade to a willing audience.

All that being said I find the quietness and peacefulness of Mount Charleston quite satisfactory for me as well as Lake Tahoe. I just have to watch out for those Dick Cheyney's out there with firearms. Don't want to be a hunting accident. Here is an itemized list of things to make note of: (1.) Have adult supervision when detonating fireworks, (2.) release fireworks in designated areas and away from any known veteran abode, (3.) attend free fireworks day celebration events where professionals will be in charge of fireworks displays and (4.) Stay indoors and watch from your patio-balcony with your astronomers telescope. Number 4 is for those of us that do not like loud noises. It is that time once again where I say as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot; "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"
Image result for 4th of july images

Monday, June 1, 2015


If you ever thought about what alcohol does to the body, brain and heart all I can say is that it does take its toll. Then there are folks that says there is nothing wrong with it. Well, I see folks that drink and folks that don't and there is a huge difference in physical looks and physical health.

Just one sip of alcohol can stay in your system for 2 hours. The liver bears the brunt of the damage and although some people appear not to suffer from those effects I add "don't judge a book by the cover", best get an x-ray and then judge for yourself. Due to water retention alcohol bloats your skin. Giving that puffy look.  A mild drinker heart can be a few beats off normal.

Needless to say the damaging effects are cumulative and though you are fine now there is no guarantee that you will be later. As for you folks that love to party, I know that this little tidbit of information will not stop you from killing yourself slowly, however, it is my hope that you would seriously consider making healthier choices. Well, as they always say in Hollywood after a film production; "And cut." "That's a wrap."

What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain, Heart, and Muscles

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Aldi supermarkets

Move over Wal-Mart, move over Trader Joes, there is a new kid on the block that is more efficient, cheaper than you both and is more likely to take the country by storm. The store name is Aldi and is a German held company with over 8,000 outlets and is still growing.

There is not a lot of brand names at this store because it is private label stocked. 90% of its stock to be more exact is private label. The middleman is out of the picture and that helps keep prices on items low. With less items sales go up, prices go down and discounts become more frequent than at Wal-Mart or Trader Joes. That is something to cheer about, don't you agree? Of course you do.

Please bring you own bags from home, because this helps bring prices down. Expect to pay a quarter deposit for shopping cart, this also brings prices down. Now, let me ask you, wouldn't you rather shop where you get real savings on your purchases or would you rather shop at Wal-Mart or Trader Joes and be told you saved and didn't?

If there is not an Aldi's in your neighborhood, look to have one soon, because they are coming on strong and taking no prisoners. It is that time again to quip as they say in Hollywood. "And cut." "That's a wrap."
How Aldi sells groceries for cheaper than Wal-Mart or Trader Joe's

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Feel good gene

I would love to feel good all of the time, all day and night, every day and night, however, that is not the case. I imagine everyone would love to feel good all the time, isn't that right? Of course it is. The flip side of the coin is when there is a distinct sense of unease/foreboding otherwise known as anxiety finds nearly everyone at some time or another.

The good news is that scientists uncovered a genetic variation in the brain that makes some people less anxious and more able to forget fearful and unpleasant experiences. High levels of anandamide,  the bliss molecule is the text-book term for that ability.

20% of adult Americans have this gene. Talk about luck of the draw, this is the one folks. The rest of us have to find some other conventional way of getting to nirvana. Other than taking non-prescription drugs. Talking it out with a trusted therapist, music, gardening, reading a good book, movies and the list goes on.  It is always easy to say, "don't worry, be happy!". The truth of the matter, most of us have to work at it, don't you agree? Of course you do. Now as they always say in Hollywood after another successful film shoot, "And cut." "That's a wrap!"

Sunday, February 1, 2015

3 year old accidentally wounds both parents

This may be a humorous tale to tell later in life however, it could turn out to be an omen of worse things to come, like for example Michael Myers in the Halloween sequels. This is the short of what has occurred.

A 3 year old boy was looking for his ipod in his mothers purse when he pulled out her loaded handgun instead and he accidentally discharged it hitting his father in the buttocks and grazing the right shoulder of his 8 month pregnant mother. Both are nonthreatening life injuries and they are expected to have a full recovery minus their dignity. This appeared to have taken place in a motel in New Mexico. No details of whether they were traveling on vacation, having a day off from being at home or anything else for that matter.

So, what is the moral of this story? Do not carry a loaded weapon around children underestimating their ability to find things they should not and become a victim of circumstance. Don't you agree? Of course you do. I cannot resist this pun. I know the father would love to put this all behind him now. Oh, I am so bad. Forgive me. I am sorry.

Well, as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot, "And cut!" "That's a wrap.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

8 mistakes that married women make and you too

This is going to be a very touchy subject that is controversial and need to be said for all the males out there so here goes: 1.) you're a grump   Is your voice full of negativity or criticism or downright contempt? Are you defensively angry when he states a concern and play the blame game instead of hearing him out?

2.) You're a nag
      If your man has free time do you leap at the chance to order him to do something or fix something around the house?

3.) You are emotionally cold in bed
      If he pass you a knowing wink do you roll your eyes? If he makes a move for you do you turn your back on him in bed? When you do have sex do you stare at the ceiling or watch the clock destroying the excitement?

4.) You're a frump
      Have you stopped exercising and started wearing sweat pants and gained a few pounds and energy and enthusiasm for life has faded away? Do you feel unattractive and have withdrawn physically and emotionally?

5.) You're a mommy and that is all
      Are you an overtime daycare mom and don't have any romantic evenings with your man anymore?

6.) You are an alpha parent
      Do you snap at your man every time he tries to be a dad and guide his child the way he sees fit? Stop robbing your child of a dad's care and discipline and placing a wedge between the both of you.

7.) You are thankless
      Do you not show gratitude for his overtime hours at work, patio deck and balcony he added or that cabinet that you wanted?

8.) You are boring
      Have you no interests or hobbies that would make a more well rounded person? Do you have anything new to bring to conversations when you do have them?

Well like it or not there it is. If what I know is true of females is correct I know that once things are pointed out to them, they know just what to do to correct them and is not afraid to ask for help, unlike the male species. It is that time again so as they say in Hollywood after an exhausting successful shoot, "And cut." "That's a wrap."
8 Marriage-Killing Mistakes Women Make (Yes, You Too)