Monday, June 1, 2015


If you ever thought about what alcohol does to the body, brain and heart all I can say is that it does take its toll. Then there are folks that says there is nothing wrong with it. Well, I see folks that drink and folks that don't and there is a huge difference in physical looks and physical health.

Just one sip of alcohol can stay in your system for 2 hours. The liver bears the brunt of the damage and although some people appear not to suffer from those effects I add "don't judge a book by the cover", best get an x-ray and then judge for yourself. Due to water retention alcohol bloats your skin. Giving that puffy look.  A mild drinker heart can be a few beats off normal.

Needless to say the damaging effects are cumulative and though you are fine now there is no guarantee that you will be later. As for you folks that love to party, I know that this little tidbit of information will not stop you from killing yourself slowly, however, it is my hope that you would seriously consider making healthier choices. Well, as they always say in Hollywood after a film production; "And cut." "That's a wrap."

What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain, Heart, and Muscles

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