Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Submersible Motorola Barrage V860 for Verizon

There is another cell phone choice that may appeal to the outdoors type and it is the submersible barrage V860. It is rugged and water-proof and you don't have to baby it. For those thinking of going to the mountains and throwing this cell phone in the lake to see if it still works like a timex watch commercial I would advise against it unless you have scuba gear and underwater photo light to search for it and find it and can afford another cell phone right away should you happen to not find it. I also do not recommend you throw it of the mountain to see if it will bust up on the way down, unless you have your mountain climbing gear and some kind of gps to monitor and locate where it landed.

With all that said  should you need a cell phone for occasional use and to have in your car for emergencies a prepaid cell phone will do nicely. All come with plans. If you should need email and web access like the rest of us then its the smart phone type. This also come with plans to fit any persons calling usage.

A little note since December 2005 the FCC rule require that all cell phones must be able to track your location. I know big brother is watching again. GPS enabled cell phones can transmit the latitude and longitude of your location. Even though call centers may not be able to receive your signal because they lack the equipment necessary to make that happen it is still nice to know that someone could possibly notice that we are missing when we get that urge to blaze a trail where no one has gone before and get lost in the dark in the middle of God knows where and nobody else does with a lot of natures creatures roaming about looking for food, it may be possible to get rescued.

Well, so much for that as they always say in Hollywood, "that's a wrap."

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