Thursday, November 18, 2010


The next time you visit your local friendly neighborhood Burger King you and I may want to make a careful check of the writing on the receipt next time because it is just possible you may end up the brunt of a joke that is in poor taste. Is'nt it true, we all might have dreamed of doing something like this, however, we wake up and go about our daily duties in a normal fashion?

This profanity laced receipt lead to a firing at a NorCal Burger King. Sacramento Resident Francisco Perez told KCRA-TV that after ordering food from the Sacramento restaurant, he noticed his receipt read, "F---You", in the area that would normally say, "Thank You", the four letter profanity was spelled out not once, but twice. One day after the story aired a Burger King Manager and an employee was fired and that was according to a satement by Burger King.

"Burger King Corp, (BKC) and the franchise that owns and operates this restaurant deeply regret that this incident occurred." The franchise has taken immediate corrective action and both the manager and the employee are being terminated, the franchise will be reaching out to the guest directly," wrote Burger King's Denise T. Wilson.

I wonder how much would Francisco Perez get should he decided to sue BK? Imagine the claim, death by burger with insult to injury producing eternal damage. Heck with all the nutritutional damage fast food restaurants cause, he would have proof positive that the industry meant him harm, isn't that right? Wouldn't it want to make any attorney take the case?

Well, I am going to run out to Wendy's restaurant make an order and check the receipt, just in case, I could at least explore the possibilities. So, as they always say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

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