Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Consider this the next time you travel by bus, train or plane, take work breaks that last 5-15 minutes, lunch breaks that last thirty minutes to 1 hours or more depending on who you work for there is a nice diversion from the daily grind which is a morale booster and it is called, Miniclip. Fifty-seven million folks can't be all wrong, don't you agree? That is what Miniclip has. Friends and family can have fun together and share experiences.  Now, that is a good bonding relationship builder, isn't it?  Teachers and students use the educational applications in school. Educators busy developing and shaping young minds through computer technology, aren't they?

Miniclip has global reach and brand name recognition working in windows, mac, iphones, ipads, android mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Runs free action games, sports games, games for girls, games for kids, flash games and more.  Players can compile game statistics such as high scores, ranking on their own player pages and can receive awards for playing games and we all want to be rewarded for our efforts, don't we? On the artistic side, you can create your own games avatar with clothing and accessories to represent you and take into select Miniclip games.

Isn't it true, some of the best things in life are free? Then try this free online game, you might just like it. Fifty-seven million folks to include me do, why not you too? Well, as they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cartoon Characters as Facebook profile pictures from the 80's/90's

Users on Facebook are now switching their profile photos to images of their favorite cartoon from their youth. According to status messages shared the switch to cartoon characters is part of an effort to combat child abuse. I personally think that is a great idea that Facebook has come up with since its popularity is nearly off the charts.

So, from now to December 7, 2010 Facebook users can change their profile picture to a cartoon from their childhood. The objective is to not see any human faces but  cartoon images from memories of the 80's and 90's. This is an all out war against violence to children and it is being led by Facebook. Thank you Facebook. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? As for me I just loved the Flintstones. Isn't it true, childhood to think about it now was really fantastic? Of course it was. Well, as they always say in Hollywood after a successful taping, "that's a wrap."

Monday, November 22, 2010

Black Friday deals (Playstation 3 160GB family bundle)

Today is a very good day to pick up an awesome deal with in the area of the Playstation 3 160 GB family bundle. It has a dual controller and comes with a copy of SingStar Dance. Handles 8 online and 4 locally. Just thought I would give a lttle heads up on what is available through Black Friday. Well, as they say in Hollywood,"That's a wrap."

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The next time you visit your local friendly neighborhood Burger King you and I may want to make a careful check of the writing on the receipt next time because it is just possible you may end up the brunt of a joke that is in poor taste. Is'nt it true, we all might have dreamed of doing something like this, however, we wake up and go about our daily duties in a normal fashion?

This profanity laced receipt lead to a firing at a NorCal Burger King. Sacramento Resident Francisco Perez told KCRA-TV that after ordering food from the Sacramento restaurant, he noticed his receipt read, "F---You", in the area that would normally say, "Thank You", the four letter profanity was spelled out not once, but twice. One day after the story aired a Burger King Manager and an employee was fired and that was according to a satement by Burger King.

"Burger King Corp, (BKC) and the franchise that owns and operates this restaurant deeply regret that this incident occurred." The franchise has taken immediate corrective action and both the manager and the employee are being terminated, the franchise will be reaching out to the guest directly," wrote Burger King's Denise T. Wilson.

I wonder how much would Francisco Perez get should he decided to sue BK? Imagine the claim, death by burger with insult to injury producing eternal damage. Heck with all the nutritutional damage fast food restaurants cause, he would have proof positive that the industry meant him harm, isn't that right? Wouldn't it want to make any attorney take the case?

Well, I am going to run out to Wendy's restaurant make an order and check the receipt, just in case, I could at least explore the possibilities. So, as they always say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Samsung cell phone (Samsung Android Smartphone)

This is one smartphone that is a must have and comes complete with all the features: Android 2.1 that is upgradable to 2.2, 4" display screen for movies, games and websites come to life on an anti-reflective screen, touch screen that is impressive, wi-fi connectivity, 5.0 megapixel camera and weighs 4.5 ounces.

This smartphone integrates email, social networking into one address book and combines google calendar and social networking calendars. This is just another example of the kind of tough competition there is out there in the communications industry. There are so many choices.

I can hardly wait to see how far it all takes us. Well, as they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Submersible Motorola Barrage V860 for Verizon

There is another cell phone choice that may appeal to the outdoors type and it is the submersible barrage V860. It is rugged and water-proof and you don't have to baby it. For those thinking of going to the mountains and throwing this cell phone in the lake to see if it still works like a timex watch commercial I would advise against it unless you have scuba gear and underwater photo light to search for it and find it and can afford another cell phone right away should you happen to not find it. I also do not recommend you throw it of the mountain to see if it will bust up on the way down, unless you have your mountain climbing gear and some kind of gps to monitor and locate where it landed.

With all that said  should you need a cell phone for occasional use and to have in your car for emergencies a prepaid cell phone will do nicely. All come with plans. If you should need email and web access like the rest of us then its the smart phone type. This also come with plans to fit any persons calling usage.

A little note since December 2005 the FCC rule require that all cell phones must be able to track your location. I know big brother is watching again. GPS enabled cell phones can transmit the latitude and longitude of your location. Even though call centers may not be able to receive your signal because they lack the equipment necessary to make that happen it is still nice to know that someone could possibly notice that we are missing when we get that urge to blaze a trail where no one has gone before and get lost in the dark in the middle of God knows where and nobody else does with a lot of natures creatures roaming about looking for food, it may be possible to get rescued.

Well, so much for that as they always say in Hollywood, "that's a wrap."

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Daylight Saving Time 2010

As the process to temporarily advance the clocks in the country so that afternoons extended daylight and mornings are minimum, it is that time again.  All residents of the US and Canada should fall  back to standard time effective Sunday, November 7, 2010.

Official change 7:30 PM IST (6AM EST). During standard time clocks should be turned back 1 hour thereby increasing daylight in the morning and reducing it in the evenings. Just thought that I would give a heads up.

Congratulations to Alexandria Mills of the US for winning Miss World. Happy Halloween and as they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sprint HTC EVO 4G (Smartphone)

Because I am partial to the Blackberry justice would not be served if I did not mention its competitors. Its just like choosing a perferred color or style or pen or political party and not comparing the others. Only for the sake of being fairminded I present another version of the smartphone. Without any further delay the "Sprint HTC EVO 4G", is a likely alternative.

This neat little package has a 4.3 inch 480 x 800 display screen, 1 GHZ processor, 4G integrated wireless radio that can be used to share the internet via Wi-Fi for up to 8 devices, 8MP camera capable of 720p HD video capture. HDM video with video calling capability. QIK and Google android 2.1 with HTC sense. Google maps and sprint navigation, sprint tv and nascar sprint cup mobile.

This market is wide open and comes with one of our greatest freedoms and that is freedom of choice. Whatever your preference is, in the smartphone criteria, there is one thing that keeps everything balanced and that is competition. When cell phone and smartphone companies compete, we win. Well, as I usually finish, I will say as they always say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

Saturday, September 11, 2010

RIM Blackberry Bold 9700 (T-Mobile)--Worth your time

I chose this date to post because of the 9/11 mourning and the controversy over the planned/unplanned Quran burning. A sort of 10 seconds countdown to calm down and put things in proper order. Never to forget and never to let up.

Submitted for your approval is this new smartphone; the RIM Blackberry Bold 9700 (T-Mobile). Has a powerful 3G connectivity for email, chat download, stream, etc all at once. With its Wi-Fi support you can check email, shop online and even make calls as well as easily switching back and forth from your carrier network to wireless home networks and public hotspots. More multimedia with you in mind. Music, playlists and videos. Create your own soundtrack and play it back with crystal clear audio and/or watch a show in high definition. Has maps for all us men that refuse to ask for directions when we are lost, which is a big relief to all our wives and us single guys girlfriends. You can even track your business with this fantastic cell phone.

This is a great time to be alive, isn't it? All these technological and scientific advances make our lives more comfortable, doesn't it? Let us all endeavor to enrich the lives of our families, protect the future generation by showing love and understanding and encouraging them to be the best they can be. Our destiny is in all our hands so at this solemn time in our history let us worship God-Jesus Christ and let peace control our spirits, emotions and mind. Until next time, as they always say in Hollywood, "that's a wrap."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

(RIM) Blackberry Pearl cell phone

Leave it to Canada's Research in Motion to come up with what I consider to be the ideal cell phone. The 1.3 megapixel camera, music and video playback, expandable memory, e-mail, bluetooth with EDGE support, is fantastic. The only complaint that I can come up with is the microSD slot is inconviently located behind the battery, call quality is a little down, camera does not record video and there are no external controls for music player and Wi-Fi. That complaint is irrelevant because, what makes up for everything is its wide bar style with the sure type QWERTY keyboard which outclases the T9 numeric keypad.

My favorite is the RIM Blackberry Curve 8520. It is also the most expensive, however, I feel it is worth the cost. I believe overall quality is important here, don't you agree? I wonder how the rest of the folks feel about their cell phone. Someone could do a survey and post so everyone can check out people's thoughts. Well, as they always say in Hollywood, "that's a wrap."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Unemployment Rate

It has never ceased to amaze me how the government sees things differently than what is actually the case. Padding the numbers so that everything reflects a bright outlook. People want the truth and not some tell them what they want to hear blah, blah, blah. Case in point: Benefits is set to be extended for the unemployed. Job training as a solution only works if the economy is not in a slump. Our only course is to try to ride the recession out until things get better or worse and hope for the best. Well as they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beautiful Beach

There are few beaches that can compare with the Florida beaches. That sugar sand covered shoreline and emerald green water is second to none. The water has a salty taste. Not that I drink ocean water, however, some drops have slipped past my mouth. Well that is my little take on beaches and as they always say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I do not know what my favorite laptop is, only that some are better than others and some are not even worth the time of day. I see that ipods are the rave of the times right now. I am a little old fashioned in that when something works well and has the least problems, I tend to stick with it, no matter what new toy is out there on the market. I have my IBM Thinkpad and to me it is nice. I wish I can say the same with the software, however, that is another story. Well, like they say in Hollywood, "that's a wrap."

Friday, April 2, 2010

April is Fresh

It is hard to believe that it is April already. The signs of the past winter is slowly disappearing and the freshness of spring and summer is appearing. 2010 surely is a year that holds a lot of hopes and dreams that are yet to be fulfilled. I want the end of the year to be as wonderful as the beginning. As they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap".

Monday, February 1, 2010

Online businesses

Is there anyone out there that know of any legitimate online businesses? I am still searching for that one maybe two that are. I have heard of project payday. Is it for real? Are there any others that a person can startup and run successfully? The regular 9 to 5 just does not work. There is transportation and the fact that you are really working to make some absent jerk even richer. That just will burn you out.

Solution, find my own. So I am searching and searching for that oh just so right niche. Need help? As they always say in Hollywood, "that's a wrap."