Monday, July 6, 2009

Latter Day Saints

It sometimes can get real confusing as to which church you feel comfortable in joining. They all seem to believe that there is Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, Jesus Christ the savior of the world, you must be sorry for your sins and ask for forgiveness (repent), be baptised, read your bible, pray and fast and expect a miracle, isn't that right? Then what is the problem? After all there will be two types of people at the judgement seat of Christ. Belivers and Unbelivers. The problem is simply sin and not willing to accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus Christ has already paid the cost for.
Folks in these last days do not want to admit that they are wrong and that is the root of all their problems, release pride and replace it with humilty and change their thinking (repent) , realize that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, children of God and stand up for what is right. It is hard all by yourself, guidance by the Holy Spirit makes it possible, after all, nothing is impossible with God, don't you agree?
One Faith, holds true that ideology, and that is the Latter Day Saints. Oh yes, there is problems and that is because people have not changed since time, only the faces have. There is still people that wants to take advantage of others and do wrong all the time, however, there are those humble few, that really stand up to and try to live what they believe in.
I was reminded, that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is unchanging and those that will follow Christ example, must change in that they become Christ centered and not self-centered. Jesus Christ is the only one that can fill that void in your heart. Fill it with Jesus, nothing else satisfies. So if you are looking for a faith to check out I recommend that you check out the Latter Day Saints. Come taste and see, that the Lord, He is good, won't you? Well like they say as usual in Hollywood, that's a wrap. Thank you.

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