Monday, June 8, 2009

Stem Cells

Back in the late 80's and early 90's I became aware of stem cell research. The possibility of stopping or preventing myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, diabetes, slowing down the aging process, supercharging your immune system to fight off diseases and sicknesses, sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
I am suprised and at the same time excited that advances have been made to inject that elixir of life into our system, and thereby increase our life expectancy and usher in a new type of human being free from the past illnesses that have plagued us from the beginning of the first off spring of human beings.
I am disappointed , however, that it comes with a price and is used moderately, it is expensive and is primarily reserved for the rich and famous and politicians. A small injection is $5000.00 plus., with a few injections to follow. Greed and corruption has tainted the potential of something that is beneficial to everyone. That explains why there is a gag order on it and it is kept under wraps and stored.
Dr. Kevan Eggan, Harvard Research and Dr. Robert Lanza, Advanced Cell Tech., I want to say thank you gentlemen for your super human efforts in the breakthrough use of the embryonic fluid, stem cell. Congratulations to each of you on your persistence and nobel peace prize winning scientific endeavors.
Is'nt it great to have folks that have dedicated their lives to helping others? Well, that's a wrap for this segment. Thank you for listening.

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