I believe that everyone should have healthcare whether they can afford it or not. Isn't there somewhere that the doctors in the health industry mission is to take care of a person whether they can get paid or not, I think it is the hypocritic oath they have sworn too, isn't that correct? The nations uninsured is a growing class of people whose recession fed ranks have swelled to 46.3 million.
Should those without health insurance be required to buy it and should they get government subsidies to help with the cost? Where will they get the coverage from private insurance companies or a new government program? How much should they have to pay? Can they be denied for smoking, for having a chronic disease or for past heart attack?
These issues should of been handled at least 30 years ago when it was easily nipped in the bud. Now, many years later, it is up to one administration to come up with solutions to the masses problems with healthcare. Some illnesses cost so much even if you were rich, you will be poor by the time the hospitals and specialist doctors get through with your treatment.
My solution is make it all free. What do you think? If you read this blog and respond, thank you. Well, as they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap".
Friday, October 2, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I used to think that this country was founded on racism, well, it is not. It was founded on greed. Everyone knows by now the outburst of the senator from North Carolina in the congressional meeting. It is typical of folks that feel that they are losing something. What is it with people that think by allowing folks to get the same things in life that you have means that you will be inconvienced? Isn't it true, that everyone deserves the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Of course it's true. What we should be doing is accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior and try to follow his example of treating your neighbor as yourself, as well as showing more love. Just thought I rant a little. As they say in Hollywood,'that's a wrap'.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
We are slowly approaching the fall months, aren't we? How time flies. Recession, new president, wars and rumors of wars, death and destruction. It seems that no news is good news, doesn't it? Someone once said that things have to get worse before they become better. Somehow it seems that the worse things are the worse they get. Hope and Faith is basically what keeps us alive, don't you agree? It is the positive future changes that makes us want to wake up to another day. Life is truly a journey and we have to find a way to enjoy the trip, don't we? Well I for one hope everyone gets what they desire this year and the years after, and like they say in Hollywood, "that's a wrap?"
Monday, July 6, 2009
Latter Day Saints

It sometimes can get real confusing as to which church you feel comfortable in joining. They all seem to believe that there is Almighty God, creator of heaven and earth, Jesus Christ the savior of the world, you must be sorry for your sins and ask for forgiveness (repent), be baptised, read your bible, pray and fast and expect a miracle, isn't that right? Then what is the problem? After all there will be two types of people at the judgement seat of Christ. Belivers and Unbelivers. The problem is simply sin and not willing to accept the free gift of salvation that Jesus Christ has already paid the cost for.
Folks in these last days do not want to admit that they are wrong and that is the root of all their problems, release pride and replace it with humilty and change their thinking (repent) , realize that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, children of God and stand up for what is right. It is hard all by yourself, guidance by the Holy Spirit makes it possible, after all, nothing is impossible with God, don't you agree?
One Faith, holds true that ideology, and that is the Latter Day Saints. Oh yes, there is problems and that is because people have not changed since time, only the faces have. There is still people that wants to take advantage of others and do wrong all the time, however, there are those humble few, that really stand up to and try to live what they believe in.
I was reminded, that God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is unchanging and those that will follow Christ example, must change in that they become Christ centered and not self-centered. Jesus Christ is the only one that can fill that void in your heart. Fill it with Jesus, nothing else satisfies. So if you are looking for a faith to check out I recommend that you check out the Latter Day Saints. Come taste and see, that the Lord, He is good, won't you? Well like they say as usual in Hollywood, that's a wrap. Thank you.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Stem Cells

Back in the late 80's and early 90's I became aware of stem cell research. The possibility of stopping or preventing myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, diabetes, slowing down the aging process, supercharging your immune system to fight off diseases and sicknesses, sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
I am suprised and at the same time excited that advances have been made to inject that elixir of life into our system, and thereby increase our life expectancy and usher in a new type of human being free from the past illnesses that have plagued us from the beginning of the first off spring of human beings.
I am disappointed , however, that it comes with a price and is used moderately, it is expensive and is primarily reserved for the rich and famous and politicians. A small injection is $5000.00 plus., with a few injections to follow. Greed and corruption has tainted the potential of something that is beneficial to everyone. That explains why there is a gag order on it and it is kept under wraps and stored.
Dr. Kevan Eggan, Harvard Research and Dr. Robert Lanza, Advanced Cell Tech., I want to say thank you gentlemen for your super human efforts in the breakthrough use of the embryonic fluid, stem cell. Congratulations to each of you on your persistence and nobel peace prize winning scientific endeavors.
Is'nt it great to have folks that have dedicated their lives to helping others? Well, that's a wrap for this segment. Thank you for listening.
Monday, May 4, 2009
May and I hope its May Flowers

Now that it is almost Spring, I hope it really comes in and the Swine Flu (H1N1) epidemic goes out. I have a theory on why it has popped up. I believe that it was designed to test a new weapon and as a means to slow down population growth. Not to mention payback to China for putting lead base paint in the toys and shipping them to America. As with all germs that are not controlled under laboratory conditions it will spread like wild fire and may come right back to your doorsteps and all this has been precalculated in a risk formula. Sounds insane, doesn't it? Well this world is insane and that is what insane people do, insane things. Well enough of that doom and gloom. There is still hope for the future and we all must learn that there is one thing, that can solve all ills and that is love. That is a wrap for this May's blog.
Monday, April 6, 2009
April Showers

Is'nt it true April showers bring May flowers? I may not see any flowers, however, I have seen the showers so far in the form of rain and snow. Weather in different parts of the United States, can be so fascinating, don't you agree? Perhaps this new economy that exists today will be like the weather and change. For the better and not the worse. We have come far and still have far to go. In the way of being a multi-cultured society with an end to racism and discrimination. Maybe one day soon, isn't that right? Well, that's a wrap for now.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
March Madness
This term has been used to describe the basketball season of host games. For sports enthusiasts and basketball lovers everywhere it is no better time of the year. This term is so adequate to describe the current economic conditions of America. My best hopes for President Obama is that he always do what is right and in the best interests of everyone. He is the only one right now to show the world that being black doesn't mean your second to anyone and that you have the heart and mind and spirit to be a champion and champion the cause of the helpless, the elite and the in-between. It is time we all put away our petty differencies and see what we can do to be a part of the solution and not the problem, don't you agree. Thank you for your time.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
We are suppose to learn from the mistakes that we have made in the past, aren't we? Our mistakes are object lessons for future generations to avoid, isn't that right? Reality is, history has a knack for repeating itself. Wars, depressions, joblessness, poverty, crime, revolts, terrorism and death. The only thing we can do about death is to prepare for it, cause it is gonna happen sooner or later, don't you agree? The others could be at least delayed or prevented altogether. This country and the rest of the world are in dire straights. I've heard desperate times call for desperate measures, however, I disagree and think that desperate times call for calm, sure and decisive checks and balances. There must be questions before there is answers, there must be input before there is output, there must be perspiration before there is inspiration, every voice must be heard, it is time for each of us to stand-up and pitch in for what we believe in for ourselves and our families prosperity. We must join together to decisively confront and conquer this upstart enemy called depression and whatever else we might be going through today. There is room enough for everyone to be counted in., won't you? Thank you for your time.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Isn't it true, that many folks are looking forward to a change in 2009? of course they are. Change cannot be looked to occur through 1 man and administration, it is a team effort that goes hand in hand with cooperation and commitment. We all have a part to play, don't you agree? Let's all try to do our part in any way that is positive to reach our goals. One being prosperity. Thanks for your time.
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