Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Moonlighting in Vermont

Hot off the presses from author Kate George is her new book "Moonlighting in Vermont." I am not going to spoil it for you, so, you will just have to order it and read it for yourself. It is the first in the Bree MacGowan Series. It is well worth the reading, "don't you agree." Of course you do.

I can tell you, however, that is a winner of the 2009 Daphne  De Maurier Award for excellence in Mystery and Suspense, Mainsteam division. That should be enough to interest all of you book gourmet readers, "shouldn't it?" Of course, it should.

Best of all it would make an excellent topic of discussion at all the Book Club parties. Let me ask you, would you prefer to have something fascinating to say at those functions or would you rather spend a dull evening by yourself? The choice is clear, get the book and enjoy a night out at the Book Club of your choosing. Well, they say in Hollywood, "And cut, that's a wrap."

Moonlighting in Vermont (The Bree MacGowan Series)

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