Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Moon (latest)

The moon comes from detailed gravity mapping by twin spacecraft, which slipped into orbit around the celestial body earlier this year.
Evidence of a highly fractured lunar interior just below the surface suggests that other rocky planets including Earth would have suffered similar bombardment from space rocks early in their history.
Measurements by the NASA spacecraft called Ebb and Flow also found that the moon's crust, or outermost layer, is much thinner than scientists thought — only about 25 miles thick.
The findings were presented Wednesday at a meeting of the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco and published online in the journal Science.
Though past missions have measured lunar gravity — about one-sixth Earth's pull — Ebb and Flow are the first spacecraft dedicated to this pursuit.
To collect data, the washing machine-size spacecraft flew in formation, orbiting about 35 miles above the moon's surface. Their positions allowed them to peer deep into the moon.
The spacecraft also managed to see landforms on the moon in greater detail than before including volcanoes, basins and craters.
The mission is scheduled to end later this month when Ebb and Flow crash into the moon

Well on a happier note check out and as they say in Hollywood. "And cut, that's a wrap."

This artist rendering released by NASA shows the twin spacecraft Ebb and Flow orbiting the moon. The duo found evidence that the moon’s interior is more battered than previously thought and the crust is thinner than expected. (AP Photo/NASA)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Katy Perry

Katy Perry has been out on the campaign trail, performing free concerts at President Barack Obama's re-election rallies. Unlike Springsteen, Perry has been wearing a pair of skintight rubber minidresses—one emblazoned with Obama's "Forward" campaign slogan, the other with her "ballot"—on the stump.
The 28-year-old pop singer performed at a rally in Milwaukee on Saturday, peeling off a red-white-and-blue dress to reveal the latex "Forward" frock.
Last month, Perry performed in her alternative road white at a rally in Las Vegas. Perry's formfitting numbers were made by Abigail Greydanus, a Los Angeles-based designer.

Now for everyone that feels a little economic boost is needed in selecting stock options, check out You will be glad you did. As they always say in Hollywood, "And cut." "That's a wrap."

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Moonlighting in Vermont

Hot off the presses from author Kate George is her new book "Moonlighting in Vermont." I am not going to spoil it for you, so, you will just have to order it and read it for yourself. It is the first in the Bree MacGowan Series. It is well worth the reading, "don't you agree." Of course you do.

I can tell you, however, that is a winner of the 2009 Daphne  De Maurier Award for excellence in Mystery and Suspense, Mainsteam division. That should be enough to interest all of you book gourmet readers, "shouldn't it?" Of course, it should.

Best of all it would make an excellent topic of discussion at all the Book Club parties. Let me ask you, would you prefer to have something fascinating to say at those functions or would you rather spend a dull evening by yourself? The choice is clear, get the book and enjoy a night out at the Book Club of your choosing. Well, they say in Hollywood, "And cut, that's a wrap."

Moonlighting in Vermont (The Bree MacGowan Series)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Apple’s iOS 6 will be available for users to download and install on September 19, two days before the iPhone 5 is set to hit shelves. As per usual, the update brings a lot of new stuff to the table. Good stuff that will significantly improve user experience. But in a rare move for Apple, it also ticks the needle back a few notches in at least one big way: Google Maps is leaving as the platform’s built-in solution.

Now for those that believe in the future of investing I would suggest you check out and get on the fast track to building wealth. As they say in Hollywood after finishing a production; "And cut, that's a wrap."


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

2012 Venus Transit

Venus will cross in front of the sun, today, being an event  that will not occur again for more than 100 years. It will look like the sun is being stabbed by a small black dot. If the sky is clear everyone can see except Western Africa, Portugal, parts of Spain, Southeastern South America.

In the United States, depending on what time this blog is posted, Tuesday, at sunset is the time to see it, use an eclipse shade for protection or a number 14 welders glass.

For those that not only love to track astronomical anomalies and love to chart their financial growth go to and scan your professional planned profile to wealth. As they always say in Hollywood after an exhausting film masterpiece, "and cut!", "that's a wrap."

Venus Transit 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Barack Obama "President of the United States"

For Young and old African-Americans living in this era of history in the making there can be no greater role-model than President Barack Obama. Don't you agree? Of course you do. His christ-centered, fair-minded, mild-tempered character has withstood one racist attack after the other, let's review; Member of Congress on the floor of the House of Congress having the audacity to call the President of the United States of America, "A liar." His fate was being abandoned by close friends, party members, being barred from Congress, becoming a persona, non-grata, walking-dead-former-Congressman: The next attack that was noted, "Barack Obama was born in Africa, he's not an American." Put to rest by producing a birth certificate indicating the place of birth in the great state of Hawaii. The list goes on and on to include racist digs with "Obama-Care", repulsive characters and references to a leader for which this country so desperately needs. 12 years of previous corrupt policy making and incompetent administration is what sent this country into an economic downward spiral and then dumped into the lap of a new administration to repair damages already done. Both parties have agreed on issues affecting Americans and fairness for all. The only reason there is disagreements is because the President is Black, will not do this or that, because the President is Black. They are sending a loud and clear message that they are willing to wait on a White President  to pass the bills, so they can carve his image on Mount Rushmore, do obeisance to it and say what a great man he is or was. They only want a President that favors rich corporations, wealthy individuals and lobbyists, takes bribes and kickbacks, in public scandals  and has hidden agendas. Wake up America!

The White House. An exclusionary term referring to Whites only and is inheritantly racist in its origins. Last I checked we have White-Americans, African-Americans, Native-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic/Latino-Americans and other Americans. Why not change its reference to "The People's House." Every 4 years a peoples champion is chosen to represent the country as President of the United States of America. That sounds better, doesn't it? Of course it does.

Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. speech of  "I have a Dream", is slowly shaping up in of all places, Mississippi. White, Black, Native-American, Asian, Latin/Hispanic and others are working side-by-side, living side-by-side, going to church, events and other social functions side-by-side, building an infrastructure to pass onto future generations side-by-side. They are trying to live the dream and the rest of the country should follow their example. Shouldn't they? Of course they should.

Honorable mention, should one of your dreams be of financial independence, check out and make those dreams a reality with some sure-fire help. Well, as they always say in Hollywood after putting the finishing touches on a film masterpiece, "And Cut! that's a wrap!"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April's Blessings

April showers bring May flowers so spring has already begun and April 1st (All Fools Day) has fallen on a Sunday this year and has passed without a shout and bang and fireworks, sort of. That's the day when sometone tells you something false and then say "April Fools." Growing up that's what we did when April 1st rolled around. I wonder who started that and why April 1st? It had to be some devilish english prankster.

Easter will be here soon and if I'm not mistaken it's traditional holiday is Sunday. That's when everyone dresses up nice and go to church, especially for sunrise service. It is the day when folks you didn't know were even members come and fellowship. Easter, isn't it suppose to be the day Jesus Christ rose from the grave, seen by thousands and then ascended to heaven to come back again as ruler? Quick question, where did the easter bunny, colored hard boiled eggs, easter candy factor into this? It had to be that prankster "Satan". If he or she is your boss at work, seen in the neighborhood doing criminal acts of all sorts, staring at you walking down the sidewalk, say, " The Lord Jesus Christ rebukes you Satan, begone! (Laugh out loud, ha! ha! he!h!). With all this perversion, sexual immorality, racism and every kind of hater in the world I can see why we are fast approaching the end of days.

On a calmer note, should you want to get your affairs in order before leaving earth and feel that taking on stock and building up a nice investment portfolio is one of the earthly things you want to accomplish in this life, head on over to and get put on the fast jet to financial freedom. As they say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot, "that's a wrap."

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


When it comes to trading online you always ask should I or should I not? You cannot win if you are still on the bench. Get in the game and just do it. You will not regret it. We can help go to

As they always say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."

Saturday, February 4, 2012


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As they say in Hollywood thats a wrap

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hedge Funds

Hedge Fuds are very attractive to institutional and individual investors. They require a firm understanding of these following factors.
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To break through all of this complicated analysis go to http;// and let our comprehensive logistic solutions problem solve it all for you for maximum gains. Let me ask you, would you prefer to come with us and see results or would you rather go with someone else and hear a lot of excuses? Well, as they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."