Tuesday, September 6, 2011


At one time or another in our life we have heard of a person referred to as "worth his/her weight in gold," isn't that right? Of course you have. Gold lasts. Good times, bad times and in-between times, gold has staying power. Our money used to backed by the gold that is in Fort Knox. Who knows what its backed up with now. Paper and more paper? You want to build a solid investment portfolio, you cannot go wrong by buying gold.

The forty-niners knew it, the folks in BC and AD knew, We should know it. Gold has the following characteristics: it is durable, which is why we do not use wheat, corn or rice.  It is divisible, which is why we do not use art work. It is convienent, which is why we do not use copper or lead. It is consistent, which is why we do not use real estate. It possess value in itself, which is why we do not use paper. It is limited in quantity that is available, which is why we do not use aluminum or iron. Finally it has a long history of acceptance, which is why molybdeum or rhodium is not used.

Be wise like the ancients and get some gold, go to http://www.avafx.com/?tag=22623 and let us help you build that wealth. As you already know you cannot find a dream come true by investing in a nightmare, it's your call, would you rather live your dreams, or would you prefer to die in poverty? As they always say in Hollywood, "that's a wrap."

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