Saturday, December 8, 2007

I live in Las Vegas

The Secret Service posted a job opening on their government blog. A FBI Agent, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Agent and a Chicago Policeman applied and it came down to the test that would get them hired. The test proctor told the FBI agent to take this handgun and go into the next room and shoot whoever is in there. The FBI agent returned a second later and said are you nuts thats my wife I am not going to shoot her. He was told to enjoy his career with the FBI and that he was a good family man and the Secret Service could not use him. next the ATF agent was told to take the handgun and go into the room and shoot whoever he sees. A second later he returns and says that is the mother of my children and I love her I will never shoot her. He was told that he was a good family man and to enjoy his career with the ATF and that the Secret Service could not use him. Last, the Chicago policeman was told to go into the room and shoot whoever is in there. He went in and banging on the walls was heard, tables being slammed and screaming and grunts was heard and ten minutes had passed before he emerged and he said that some dummy had put blanks in the gun and that he had to strangle her.

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