Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Do you want to drop 3 dress-sizes without crash dieting?Do you want to drop 3 dress-sizes without crash dieting?

Do you want to drop 3 dress-sizes without crash dieting?Do you want to drop 3 dress-sizes without crash dieting?: Lose weight and improve your overall health and wellbeing, FAST!Lose weight and improve your overall health and wellbeing, FAST!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April showers bring May flowers

Happy birthday Ash! I know your birthday is tomorrow, however, I thought that I would sneak this shout out to you in case you get curious and check out my post. We are now into the 4th month of 2017 and it still feels like that time a year ago. For everyone that made a New Years resolution to lose a little weight, I hope it is coming along just fine and that you will be ready to show the new you by summer beach splash .

I love the rain. I always have since I was a baby and I am not going to say how old I am but I am old enough to know better and still young enough to do it anyway only not so much now. It has lost its appeal. So far so good the United States is not at war with anyone, however, I do not know how long that will last. Still waiting on all those businesses to come back to the United States. I believe there is a mass exodus to countries more favorable to profit.

The Ivory Halls of Learning are gearing up for an influx of bright-eyed-inquisitive students and hope for a better academic season is on the horizons. This is the month of Easter too, isn't it true? No wonder American kids are confused a bunny rabbit with eggs, how strange. Eggs I believe came from chickens, unless there is something I am still missing. Well enough rambling it is that time to say as they say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot; "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

For the month of March

We are into the 3rd month of the year for 2017 and it is still not too late to keep all those New Year resolutions. As for me, I did not make a resolution so to speak, however, I will exert all effort into maintaining and improving my health. I believe this is where I make a shameless plug for my product line that helps my immune system stay strong, increases my energy, holds my allergies at bay and ward off evil spirits-well not so much that:

I believe this is the month for March madness about basketball, St. Patricks Day and beginning of Spring. This month signals the final throws of winter and its freezing temperatures in some states and not so much in others. The happy event of births and the even sadder events of death, the graduations and young freshman entrants into the first day of the University indoctrination.

Businesses will start-up and businesses will bankrupt, weddings, governments will prosper and governments will become poor. Terrorists will rise and peace will be a welcome change. "United we stand and divided we fall." Let us all hope for the triumph in every pursuit we are involved in. Now, is that time that I say as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot; "And cut...that's a wrap."

Monday, January 9, 2017

The new President of the United States

Well, there is a lot to be said when you are considered to be an underdog. A person or group that is supposedly out of their league in terms of expectations and sure things. It just goes to remind us all that on any given Sunday, you can win. That is if you are considered to be overmatched.

Donald Trump is the new President of the United States of America and believe it or not it was not an upset victory for Donald Trump. Donald Trump came up with a trump card that spelled defeat  for Hillary Clinton accused of corruption with changing servers. It was enough to raise eyebrows at an already eager group of people to say Aha, I knew it.

Like it or not and I don't Donald Trump is in and Hillary Clinton is out. The Republicans could not wait to have the moving vans outside the White House to move out former President Barack Obama and his staff. As soon as the victor was announced the moving vans had over half the former administration possessions loaded up and rushing to finish so Donald Trump and his cabinet could move right in.

Isn't it a given that all politicians are corrupt after all most of them were lawyers? Of course it is. As for the government I have adopted their stand when it comes to putting trust in politicians. Trust no one and suspect everyone. As for this edition as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut...that's a wrap!"
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Friday, December 9, 2016

Merry Christmas

Remember to do your shopping early and send those gifts right away if you have to mail any to avoid any delays. Also a very special Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to 'Housecat', "Everything Happens For a Reason" and Ashley Dueling. May 2017 be more prosperous than 2016.

This has been a very good year for me and I am looking forward to having a better one in 2017. I am positioning myself as the go to guy for health tips and moving my assorted product line. We have a new President and already have him settled into the White House. Hint the name.  Retail stores are hitting their sales quotas and moving their merchandise at a record pace or so it seems to me. Folks are getting into that festive mood and all is well.

Thank you Ashley Dueling in guiding me to myself or should I say back to my real self a much happier, wiser and healthier self with a unique sense of humor. Cannot say enough about your clinical expertise in which you are extremely proficient and if you happen to read this blog. Thank you again.

I can now spend Christmas or New Years in Las Vegas on the Strip without any phobias. Although for anyone that has been to Las Vegas you really cannot say the same for others there. I send love, happiness and peace out to everyone, thank you. So as they always say in Hollywood after a film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap." also "Live long and prosper." 'Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock of the Star Trek episodes.'
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Friday, November 4, 2016

Give thanks this month

Happy Thanksgiving 'Housecat' "Everything Happens For A Reason", all happiness to you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving Ash to you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Beginning at Halloween, this is the season to reflect and to bring joy and happiness and being thankful for whatever you have and to celebrate the year in retrospect from January to December.

This November a new President will become the "Commander-in-Chief" and Ambassador to the world as we know it. I feel history will be made and I will go as far to say that in the first time since Americas independence a woman will be in the white house. It is time for a woman's touch.  Don't you agree? Of course you do. Be thankful and be happy that is the way to create light, fluid and positive strings of energy so that more good things will come your way and less of the bad things.

Remember to invite everyone that you can think of to your festival thanksgiving dinner as you are able and to remember the homeless and needy at this time also if you are able and to remember that all good things come from God. Isn't it true? Of course its true.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"
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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October means Happy Halloween

Well, maybe it doesn't, however, it is that time of the year again when all the children dress up as zombies, witches, favorite superhero and everything else and knock on receptive doors and say, "Trick or Treat." It is so much fun to give them candy and watch those smiles and all that energy and wish them a good time and safe night. Don't you agree? Of course you do.

There are 2 things to remember adults; 1.) all candy must be wrapped
                                                        and 2.) mix it up with something in the line of a fruit snack.
You should also make sure your house is available by decorating in some Halloween theme with lots of pumpkins with candles inside of them and your house is well lit up to attract their attention.

One more thing shop early for your treats because at some time before that fun around the full moon night it has been known to run out of your favorites. Now, as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot. "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"
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