Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April showers bring May flowers

Happy birthday Ash! I know your birthday is tomorrow, however, I thought that I would sneak this shout out to you in case you get curious and check out my post. We are now into the 4th month of 2017 and it still feels like that time a year ago. For everyone that made a New Years resolution to lose a little weight, I hope it is coming along just fine and that you will be ready to show the new you by summer beach splash .

I love the rain. I always have since I was a baby and I am not going to say how old I am but I am old enough to know better and still young enough to do it anyway only not so much now. It has lost its appeal. So far so good the United States is not at war with anyone, however, I do not know how long that will last. Still waiting on all those businesses to come back to the United States. I believe there is a mass exodus to countries more favorable to profit.

The Ivory Halls of Learning are gearing up for an influx of bright-eyed-inquisitive students and hope for a better academic season is on the horizons. This is the month of Easter too, isn't it true? No wonder American kids are confused a bunny rabbit with eggs, how strange. Eggs I believe came from chickens, unless there is something I am still missing. Well enough rambling it is that time to say as they say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot; "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"