Friday, April 8, 2016

University Campus Safety

When I think of an institution of higher learning the first thought that comes to me is, university. To me that says it all. That is where we learn to put descriptive words to our thoughts which more or less are our opinions on just about every facet of study there is and everything we become acquainted with.

When we walk those ivory halls of learning with our ideas and preparations for those specialized or general fields of study the last thing on the mind is that it may be the last time on earth that you will do anything in this physical realm. Case in point the senseless homicide of a University of Texas female co-ed, that had everything to live for and hope for suddenly ended by some predator lurking on the campus.

Even if you were to beef up security until it was more secure than Fort Knox, there will still be someone that has lost their life due to some killer or mishap of some sort. It is inevitable and the only thing is that you hope that you make it through those years to be able to at least make an initial contribution to the field that you specialized in.

What is the answer to being safe enough to live a prosperous life and enjoy your activities? I have no idea? I hope you do. Perhaps we will all be able to respect all life and love all life to want to preserve all life. We can only hope. Don't you agree? Of course you do. Now, we have reached that time, where I say as they always say in Hollywood after a successful film making, "And cut!" "That's a wrap!"
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