Tuesday, September 8, 2015


I suppose you can call this month the fall of the calendar months. However, fall is not official until later. I guess calling the month of September, "Autumn," will have to do. The trees are beginning to look as though they are gearing up to shed their leaves and the grass will be turning partly brown, unless you have astro-turf.

Pre-season football is in now and soon it will be regular season. I suppose September is the month of reckoning for making all preparations for an easy winter or a hard cold one. There are a few places that have what is called "Indian Summer" and there are other places that have the telltale signs of a change of season approaching.

Whatever part of the country you are in I am sure September will leave its calling card in your city and state. I prefer Spring although I enjoy the holiday months. What may I ask, Is your season of choice? That is, if you are reading this blog of course. Well, enjoy your choice and as I usually say with my signature sign off, as they always say in Hollywood after a film shoot. "And cut." "That's a wrap."
September days are kaleidoscopes of lights and moods - a cyclist rides ...