Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Aldi supermarkets

Move over Wal-Mart, move over Trader Joes, there is a new kid on the block that is more efficient, cheaper than you both and is more likely to take the country by storm. The store name is Aldi and is a German held company with over 8,000 outlets and is still growing.

There is not a lot of brand names at this store because it is private label stocked. 90% of its stock to be more exact is private label. The middleman is out of the picture and that helps keep prices on items low. With less items sales go up, prices go down and discounts become more frequent than at Wal-Mart or Trader Joes. That is something to cheer about, don't you agree? Of course you do.

Please bring you own bags from home, because this helps bring prices down. Expect to pay a quarter deposit for shopping cart, this also brings prices down. Now, let me ask you, wouldn't you rather shop where you get real savings on your purchases or would you rather shop at Wal-Mart or Trader Joes and be told you saved and didn't?

If there is not an Aldi's in your neighborhood, look to have one soon, because they are coming on strong and taking no prisoners. It is that time again to quip as they say in Hollywood. "And cut." "That's a wrap."
How Aldi sells groceries for cheaper than Wal-Mart or Trader Joe's