Sunday, March 8, 2015

Feel good gene

I would love to feel good all of the time, all day and night, every day and night, however, that is not the case. I imagine everyone would love to feel good all the time, isn't that right? Of course it is. The flip side of the coin is when there is a distinct sense of unease/foreboding otherwise known as anxiety finds nearly everyone at some time or another.

The good news is that scientists uncovered a genetic variation in the brain that makes some people less anxious and more able to forget fearful and unpleasant experiences. High levels of anandamide,  the bliss molecule is the text-book term for that ability.

20% of adult Americans have this gene. Talk about luck of the draw, this is the one folks. The rest of us have to find some other conventional way of getting to nirvana. Other than taking non-prescription drugs. Talking it out with a trusted therapist, music, gardening, reading a good book, movies and the list goes on.  It is always easy to say, "don't worry, be happy!". The truth of the matter, most of us have to work at it, don't you agree? Of course you do. Now as they always say in Hollywood after another successful film shoot, "And cut." "That's a wrap!"