Sunday, January 4, 2015

8 mistakes that married women make and you too

This is going to be a very touchy subject that is controversial and need to be said for all the males out there so here goes: 1.) you're a grump   Is your voice full of negativity or criticism or downright contempt? Are you defensively angry when he states a concern and play the blame game instead of hearing him out?

2.) You're a nag
      If your man has free time do you leap at the chance to order him to do something or fix something around the house?

3.) You are emotionally cold in bed
      If he pass you a knowing wink do you roll your eyes? If he makes a move for you do you turn your back on him in bed? When you do have sex do you stare at the ceiling or watch the clock destroying the excitement?

4.) You're a frump
      Have you stopped exercising and started wearing sweat pants and gained a few pounds and energy and enthusiasm for life has faded away? Do you feel unattractive and have withdrawn physically and emotionally?

5.) You're a mommy and that is all
      Are you an overtime daycare mom and don't have any romantic evenings with your man anymore?

6.) You are an alpha parent
      Do you snap at your man every time he tries to be a dad and guide his child the way he sees fit? Stop robbing your child of a dad's care and discipline and placing a wedge between the both of you.

7.) You are thankless
      Do you not show gratitude for his overtime hours at work, patio deck and balcony he added or that cabinet that you wanted?

8.) You are boring
      Have you no interests or hobbies that would make a more well rounded person? Do you have anything new to bring to conversations when you do have them?

Well like it or not there it is. If what I know is true of females is correct I know that once things are pointed out to them, they know just what to do to correct them and is not afraid to ask for help, unlike the male species. It is that time again so as they say in Hollywood after an exhausting successful shoot, "And cut." "That's a wrap."
8 Marriage-Killing Mistakes Women Make (Yes, You Too)