Friday, July 4, 2014

Lightning strikes New York City

New York City yes, the "Big Apple," its skyline was lit up Wednesday night. What is that saying, "lightning never strikes twice in the same place." Maybe true and maybe not true. You make the call. However, I feel the good people of New York may differ. Stormy weather is expected to continue there through Friday evening. The city is also under a flash flood watch which to say the least could dampen the annual Macy's 4th of July fireworks display.

The good news is that no person has been reported of being hit by lightning and there are no reports of anyone being swept away in a flash flood as of this writing. Take these tips: (1.) If in New York City, stay indoors and watch the fireworks from your balcony window or on television. (2.) If not in New York, go elsewhere. And (3.) Safety first in all that you do this 4th of July and do not become a statistic.

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storm brought sky-to-ground lightning strikes to New York City on ...