Thursday, May 1, 2014

Baltimore sinkhole

Just when you think the worst that could happen has occurred something else gives you just one more thing to be concerned  about. It lets us all know full well that we are all vulnerable. Just like a Northeast residential neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland realized when a block long sinkhole opened up near the railroad tracks used by the CSX rail carrier.

The entire block of  houses were evacuated and no injuries were reported. This story has bad news and good news in it. The bad news is a sinkhole and the good news no one got hurt. That is news we could all live with, isn't it? Of course it is. I do not believe there has been a movie about a sinkhole going viral. There has been movies made involving a towering inferno, volcano, floods, earthquakes, animals and reptiles going nuclear but no sinkhole. Not yet. Don't you agree? Of course you do. Now who would make a good director and actors and actresses to pull off a blockbuster like this. Well your guess is as good as mine if not better.

That reminds me of good old Rod Sterling and his professoral dialogue on the "Twilight Zone." Oh no, I am about to reveal my age here to all you youngsters, so suffice it to say for now as they always say in  Hollywood. "And cut, that's a wrap."
Massive Baltimore sinkhole swallows roadway, parked cars - 7NEWS ...