Friday, August 2, 2013

Man is suing Delta Airlines

Well once again someone is happy with flying the unfriendly skies.   Baraka Kanaan, a former philosophy professor who suffers from partial paralysis of his legs after a car accident in 2000, is suing Delta Airlines for making him have to crawl off the plane.

Well that is understandable, I might be upset with that too. Maybe Delta can claim that he was drunk and refused help. That should work? Shouldn't it?  Well any way, the case should be heard in court sometime in the not too distant future. 

Maybe he should of flown American, Jet Blue or any other airline but Delta.  Who knows about these things? Well as they always say in Hollywood, "And cut, that's a wrap."
Man crawls off plane: Disabled man sues Delta Air Lines for outrageous treatmentPHOTO: D. Baraka Kanaan