Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Kathy Griffin

Did anyone see what Kathy Griffin did on Television with Anderson Cooper?
I love Kathy Griffin even though she is gay. I think she is a gifted and talented comedian. That excuses what she did on TV.

 The incident occurred during a report from a small Maine town about a local New Year tradition of kissing a sardine on the mouth. I didn't know that they did that. Things you learn. Anderson tried to diffuse the situation with a “Kathy, oh, did you drop something?”  Griffin said“No I was kissing your sardine.” 

I believe Americans are still to uptight about anything with sexual content. We should adopt an open and unafraid of what someone might think just like all the other countries in the wold, don't you agree? There would probably be a lot less crime and a little more love going on.

Well anyway, check out, it may not have sex in it, it will help you stay ahead with finances. As they say in Hollywood, "And cut, that's a wrap."

Kathy Griffin Pic