Thursday, May 3, 2012

Barack Obama "President of the United States"

For Young and old African-Americans living in this era of history in the making there can be no greater role-model than President Barack Obama. Don't you agree? Of course you do. His christ-centered, fair-minded, mild-tempered character has withstood one racist attack after the other, let's review; Member of Congress on the floor of the House of Congress having the audacity to call the President of the United States of America, "A liar." His fate was being abandoned by close friends, party members, being barred from Congress, becoming a persona, non-grata, walking-dead-former-Congressman: The next attack that was noted, "Barack Obama was born in Africa, he's not an American." Put to rest by producing a birth certificate indicating the place of birth in the great state of Hawaii. The list goes on and on to include racist digs with "Obama-Care", repulsive characters and references to a leader for which this country so desperately needs. 12 years of previous corrupt policy making and incompetent administration is what sent this country into an economic downward spiral and then dumped into the lap of a new administration to repair damages already done. Both parties have agreed on issues affecting Americans and fairness for all. The only reason there is disagreements is because the President is Black, will not do this or that, because the President is Black. They are sending a loud and clear message that they are willing to wait on a White President  to pass the bills, so they can carve his image on Mount Rushmore, do obeisance to it and say what a great man he is or was. They only want a President that favors rich corporations, wealthy individuals and lobbyists, takes bribes and kickbacks, in public scandals  and has hidden agendas. Wake up America!

The White House. An exclusionary term referring to Whites only and is inheritantly racist in its origins. Last I checked we have White-Americans, African-Americans, Native-Americans, Asian-Americans, Hispanic/Latino-Americans and other Americans. Why not change its reference to "The People's House." Every 4 years a peoples champion is chosen to represent the country as President of the United States of America. That sounds better, doesn't it? Of course it does.

Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. speech of  "I have a Dream", is slowly shaping up in of all places, Mississippi. White, Black, Native-American, Asian, Latin/Hispanic and others are working side-by-side, living side-by-side, going to church, events and other social functions side-by-side, building an infrastructure to pass onto future generations side-by-side. They are trying to live the dream and the rest of the country should follow their example. Shouldn't they? Of course they should.

Honorable mention, should one of your dreams be of financial independence, check out and make those dreams a reality with some sure-fire help. Well, as they always say in Hollywood after putting the finishing touches on a film masterpiece, "And Cut! that's a wrap!"