Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April's Blessings

April showers bring May flowers so spring has already begun and April 1st (All Fools Day) has fallen on a Sunday this year and has passed without a shout and bang and fireworks, sort of. That's the day when sometone tells you something false and then say "April Fools." Growing up that's what we did when April 1st rolled around. I wonder who started that and why April 1st? It had to be some devilish english prankster.

Easter will be here soon and if I'm not mistaken it's traditional holiday is Sunday. That's when everyone dresses up nice and go to church, especially for sunrise service. It is the day when folks you didn't know were even members come and fellowship. Easter, isn't it suppose to be the day Jesus Christ rose from the grave, seen by thousands and then ascended to heaven to come back again as ruler? Quick question, where did the easter bunny, colored hard boiled eggs, easter candy factor into this? It had to be that prankster "Satan". If he or she is your boss at work, seen in the neighborhood doing criminal acts of all sorts, staring at you walking down the sidewalk, say, " The Lord Jesus Christ rebukes you Satan, begone! (Laugh out loud, ha! ha! he!h!). With all this perversion, sexual immorality, racism and every kind of hater in the world I can see why we are fast approaching the end of days.

On a calmer note, should you want to get your affairs in order before leaving earth and feel that taking on stock and building up a nice investment portfolio is one of the earthly things you want to accomplish in this life, head on over to http://www.avafx.com/?tag=22623 and get put on the fast jet to financial freedom. As they say in Hollywood after a successful film shoot, "that's a wrap."