Monday, December 5, 2011

Index Funds

Yes, you can establish real wealth by investing in index funds. A wise millionaire said something that is true yesterday, today and as long as investing exists, "By periodically investing in an index fund...the know nothing investor can actually outperform most investment professionals." Warren Buffet.

Let your focus be on the long-term and not the short term. The longer the investment horizon the more likely the expected will happen. "My favorite time frame is forever." Warren Buffet.

Investors should draw their conclusions by writing and signing an investment policy statement that has an investment horizon (ability to take risk), tolerance for that risk (willingness to take it) and financial goals (need to take risk).  "A rising tide lifts all boats. It's not until the tide goes out that you realize who's swimming naked." Warren Buffet.

Let the wizards of wall street help you reach your financial independence goals, visit Well as they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap."