Friday, October 2, 2009


I believe that everyone should have healthcare whether they can afford it or not. Isn't there somewhere that the doctors in the health industry mission is to take care of a person whether they can get paid or not, I think it is the hypocritic oath they have sworn too, isn't that correct? The nations uninsured is a growing class of people whose recession fed ranks have swelled to 46.3 million.

Should those without health insurance be required to buy it and should they get government subsidies to help with the cost? Where will they get the coverage from private insurance companies or a new government program? How much should they have to pay? Can they be denied for smoking, for having a chronic disease or for past heart attack?

These issues should of been handled at least 30 years ago when it was easily nipped in the bud. Now, many years later, it is up to one administration to come up with solutions to the masses problems with healthcare. Some illnesses cost so much even if you were rich, you will be poor by the time the hospitals and specialist doctors get through with your treatment.

My solution is make it all free. What do you think? If you read this blog and respond, thank you. Well, as they say in Hollywood, "That's a wrap".