Monday, May 4, 2009

May and I hope its May Flowers

Now that it is almost Spring, I hope it really comes in and the Swine Flu (H1N1) epidemic goes out. I have a theory on why it has popped up. I believe that it was designed to test a new weapon and as a means to slow down population growth. Not to mention payback to China for putting lead base paint in the toys and shipping them to America. As with all germs that are not controlled under laboratory conditions it will spread like wild fire and may come right back to your doorsteps and all this has been precalculated in a risk formula. Sounds insane, doesn't it? Well this world is insane and that is what insane people do, insane things. Well enough of that doom and gloom. There is still hope for the future and we all must learn that there is one thing, that can solve all ills and that is love. That is a wrap for this May's blog.