Saturday, February 21, 2009


We are suppose to learn from the mistakes that we have made in the past, aren't we? Our mistakes are object lessons for future generations to avoid, isn't that right? Reality is, history has a knack for repeating itself. Wars, depressions, joblessness, poverty, crime, revolts, terrorism and death. The only thing we can do about death is to prepare for it, cause it is gonna happen sooner or later, don't you agree? The others could be at least delayed or prevented altogether. This country and the rest of the world are in dire straights. I've heard desperate times call for desperate measures, however, I disagree and think that desperate times call for calm, sure and decisive checks and balances. There must be questions before there is answers, there must be input before there is output, there must be perspiration before there is inspiration, every voice must be heard, it is time for each of us to stand-up and pitch in for what we believe in for ourselves and our families prosperity. We must join together to decisively confront and conquer this upstart enemy called depression and whatever else we might be going through today. There is room enough for everyone to be counted in., won't you? Thank you for your time.